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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-26-2008, 05:25 PM
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Installing S2u2 V1.35 To Internal Storage?

Anyone else having issues installing s2u2 to internal storage? No matter how many times I try installing it to internal storage, it still installs to device memory. S2V does the same thing. Ive tried resetting and everything else under the sun. I have all my other apps on internal storage, but these will only install to precious device memory. Any ideas?

Im running stock modded out Sprint Rom

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2008, 12:54 AM
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Re: Installing S2u2 V1.35 To Internal Storage?

Originally Posted by Success100 View Post
Anyone else having issues installing s2u2 to internal storage? No matter how many times I try installing it to internal storage, it still installs to device memory. S2V does the same thing. Ive tried resetting and everything else under the sun. I have all my other apps on internal storage, but these will only install to precious device memory. Any ideas?

Im running stock modded out Sprint Rom
You will have to modify the _setup.xml file in the .cab. It is likely forcing install to storage memory. The _setup.xml specifies files to be installed, registry entries, locations, and so on. If you edit the file, you should then be allowed to install to Internal Storage.

I found a list variables (%location) references that helped me in deciphering the meanings of each specified location. Do a search, if you don't come up with it, I will locate it and give you more info.
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