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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2008, 01:20 AM
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Blueant V1 works with the Sprint Diamond?

Hi everyone,

Looking to get a Blueant V1 headset and wondering if it works with the Sprint Diamond? I've read that there are compatibility issues with HTC phones and V1. Apparently no audio is heard from the handset even though it's paired and connected.

Does it work for you?


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Old 11-21-2008, 02:59 AM
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Re: Blueant V1 works with the Sprint Diamond?

The V1 works great when its connected. I have trouble with random disconnects. Im using the stock rom with no add-ons. Im still looking for a helping hand for the bluetooth issue.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-23-2008, 04:33 PM
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Re: Blueant V1 works with the Sprint Diamond?

any other people have thoughts on this? I was planning on buying a couple V1s, but now i' 2nd guessing the idea...
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2008, 07:59 PM
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Re: Blueant V1 works with the Sprint Diamond?

Originally Posted by rbrown13 View Post
I purchased a blueant V1 about three weeks ago and I have to say it is the best bluetooth headset I have owned and it replaced a jawbone 1. I have owned several bluetooth headsets in the past several years like motorola hs820, h700 and the jawbone to name a couple, the V1 is the smallest, lightest and has the best sound of any of the others. The jawbone had ever so slightly better noise cancelation for people on the other end of the call but not by much, and the battery life on the V1 is truly amazing, when I first got the V1 I charged it all the way up on a thursday and used it quite a bit until sunday (4 days) and it stil had half of it's battery left. One of the coolest features of this thing is the voice control, it is truly a hands free headset in that when a call comes in you don't have to touch any buttons the bluetooth in a mans voice tells you that a call from the number that is calling is coming in and asks in you want to answer or ignore, you say answer and it answer, you say ignore and it sends the call to voicemail. it is a very comfortable device, my wife hates bluetooth headsets but she tried my V1 and now she wants one. I hope this helps. I forgot to mention that I use the V1 with a sprint touch pro and it works and pairs flawlessly with the phone.
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Last edited by No1ustad; 11-30-2008 at 08:01 PM.
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