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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2008, 03:15 PM
ddickenson's Avatar
Pocket PC: HTC Touch Pro
Carrier: Alltel
Join Date: Sep 2007
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Multiple Diamond Based Questions

I have been a windows mobile user for a while now (had a heavily modded titan). That, however, does not make me an expert by any means. I just got diamond and Exchange server about the same time and I am trying to find a way to make the "location switching" that seems to be native in winmo work for me. I have wifi at work which is the only way I can sync ota with my phone (cheap bastards won't pay for remote license) I can set up "networks" to go to "my isp" or "work network" to let the outlook see exchange over wifi but then I can't use alltel data network even if I'm away from work. That's one problem. Also is there some type of auto correct for the qwerty like the iphone does? I know when I type on my iphone it will (most of the time) realize what you're trying to type and fix it if you fat finger a few keys. Also even though it doesn't seem to have auto answer enabled I only get one ring before the phone answers inside the supplied holster. I suppose it could be hitting the button for me when I'm trying to pull it out or maybe they have something with the accelerometers that auto answers when it thinks you are picking up the phone or something. Any ideas?
Alltel Touch Pro for business (running conflippers)
iPhone 3G for personal.

Previous Phones:
Alltel Touch Diamond (running conflippers)
Alltel Titan running my own selections from PPCKitchen
Original iPhone (Jailbroken)
Treo 650
Nokia 6820, Nokia 6800, Motorola MPx200, Motorola T720, Panasonic ebtx2200, SonyEricsson t68i, Panasonic ebtx2200, Ericsson R289LX
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