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Old 11-01-2008, 12:46 PM
heberman's Avatar
Pocket PC: Diamond
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Unhappy There's got to be a better way to navigate web pages in Opera

I love lots of things about my Diamond, and I like Opera a lot. But it seems like actual web page navigation was much better with the Treos using the dpad. On the treo, I could use the up and down buttons on the d-pad to scroll up and down. Side to side on the d-pad took me from one link to another.

So while navigating ppcgeeks.com on the Treo, for example, I could use the d-pad to scroll down to the bottom of the page, and then push the right d-pad button to select page "2".

Using Opera, I need to double-tap to zoom in, use my thumb on the screen to scroll down (sometimes the d-pad scrolls, sometimes it doesn't), and then I have a very hard time selecting the small page"2" icon to get to the next page. I need to pull out my stylus to select the small links.

Am I totally missing a better way to navigate web pages? Is there an app to get the d-pad to function the same way as the Treo d-pad? How do you select the small page "2" link on ppcgeeks?
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