Need info on WM6.1 inbox/messaging/POL file location/extension & registry tweaks
As the subject indicates---
The Diamond is slim on storage memory, so I want to move as much of the messaging storage to internal memory. I already set to store attachments to internal memory under Messaging options.
I have Memmaid & SKTools, they both seem to allow relocation of some form of messaging location. This is what I see:
1) Memmaid adds the following entries with values pointing to internal memory.
2) SKTools added the following entry:
I'm seeing that my SENT SMS go to the directory set under HKLM/Systems/Inbox/Settings, but I can't find the INBOX/RECEIVED messages. The sent messages have *.mpb extensions.
1) Where is the file(s) that store the incoming SMS and what is/are the names/extension?
2) Does the setting under MAPI control anything or is it a legacy key?
3) If I create a new email account, which entry governs where all the files are stored?