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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2008, 08:39 PM
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Two Diamonds and a Touch Pro in my hands. Helpful comparison from TP. PICTURES!!

I picked up the TP last night.

1) The size difference is large enough where I may decide to carry the Diamond instead.
1a) It is longer and more bulbous, the shape of the back is more square-ish which makes it "feel" even larger. For people who are used to Mogul, it will be a relief, for people coming from a M610 or Diamond, it will seem large.
1b) It also feels obviously heavier compared to the Diamond.

2) The free Storage Memory is ~270MB. Wow!

3) The soft keyboard skins (phone, 20-key, full qwerty) are all vertically smaller (which leave more room for display). It made me realize that there is a white band on the bottom of the Diamond keyboard that is wasting space. I copied the .png files out and might use them on the Diamond. Not sure if I like the smaller keyboards.

4) Some of the registry values (Touchflo sensitivity, threshold, light sensor) are slightly different from the Diamond.

5) There are a few apps that I think might be cool on the Diamond--business card scanner, ClearVue Presentation (seems to be better than Pocket PowerPoint), and JetCet Print (allows printing via BT). Astraware Solitaire is also included.

6) I have two Diamonds. Between the three devices, I see three COMPLETELY different color tempareture screens. Yellow (newer), somewhat yellow (older), and white (Pro).

7) The back of the TP gets warm/hot too. It doesn't appear to stay cooler compared to the Diamond performing the same task. The battery does get warm with CPU use. It's not yet activated so I haven't tested the radio.

8) The flux-LED flash is VERY bright.

9) The touch screen seems more sensitive than Diamond.

10) The G-sensor calibrate is included as well "Video Out", which seems to require the cable attached (optional equipment).

11) Slide-out keyboard: the display seems to have trouble refreshing at times. There is a lot of play in the slide. It is not smooth nor precise compared to some of the Samsung magnetic slide phones.
11a) Unlike, many, I actually like T9, when the slide is being used, it seems to default to no T9. I'm sure this can be fixed w/ registry change.
11b) It has dedicated or semi-dedicated keys for SMS, email, web, T9, and Comm Manager. Nice.
11c) The backlight is uneven. Some keys are brighter than others.

11d) Important for Diamond users thinking about going over: It is somewhat against the grain having to switch between the hardware keys and touch screen. I never liked going landscape for keyboard anyhow. If I used the TP regularly, the slide would only be used for text entry. There is no Window key nor "close" key nor "Start" key.

12) After playing with the TP for a while, the Diamond feels tiny and light in my hands.

13) The four keys (send, end, home, back) click much louder than the Diamond.

14) Audio quality of the built-in speaker seems to be better than the Diamond.

15) The reset button hole is outside rather than inside like the Diamond.

16) In general, I think the reg values and apps from TP can be helpful for Diamond users.

That is all I have for now. This is only after one hour of playing. More may follow.


17) The font size setting under the Control panel seems to affect more of the fonts (unlike the Diamond). When I set the slide bar to the middle (one tick to the left from default), the SMS "From" and "To" fields also get smaller, unlike the Diamond. The home (w/o TF3D) plug-in fonts also get smaller on the TP.

18) I have a couple of different after-market batteries for the Diamond. While they fit fine in the Diamond, they don't fit in the TP. There is less room under the cover.


PICTURES -- Look in post #9 below \/

Last edited by snovvman; 10-26-2008 at 01:32 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2008, 09:10 PM
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Re: Two Diamonds and a Touch Pro in my hands. Helpful information/comparison from TP.

I assume the Pro is CDMA? Also, can you please use one of your Diamonds to get us pictures comparing the Pro and Diamond next to each other for size comparison?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2008, 09:22 PM
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Re: Two Diamonds and a Touch Pro in my hands. Helpful information/comparison from TP.

Soooo imfgs dump?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2008, 09:43 PM
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Re: Two Diamonds and a Touch Pro in my hands. Helpful information/comparison from TP.

Great post, but yeah could you please get comparison pictures of the diamond vs touch pro? especially with the thickness next to each other (opened and closed)
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2008, 11:00 PM
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Re: Two Diamonds and a Touch Pro in my hands. Helpful information/comparison from TP.

I thought there are already serveral Diamond/Touch Pro comparison pictures floating out there?

I'm currently working on some pictures for this post:


But it seems to not show properly if I link directly to the FTP site. I will take some pictures and post if someone will tell me how.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2008, 11:04 PM
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Re: Two Diamonds and a Touch Pro in my hands. Helpful information/comparison from TP.

Create a free account at www.photobucket.com. Then upload your pictures there and there is a link code that you can use to post the images into forum posts.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2008, 11:15 PM
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Re: Two Diamonds and a Touch Pro in my hands. Helpful information/comparison from TP.

im getting my pro wed. and you answered almost all my questions. pics will kill the other one. great thread, thankyou.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2008, 11:16 PM
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Re: Two Diamonds and a Touch Pro in my hands. Helpful information/comparison from TP.

Yea.. I was trying to avoid having to do that and just use PPCGeeks' storage. I will look at doing that a post pics within the next few days. If you're interested in looking at the guts of Diamond, take a look here:

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2008, 01:28 AM
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Re: Two Diamonds and a Touch Pro in my hands. Helpful information/comparison from TP.

Ok, I haven't had a chance to create an account with any hosting sites, but I did upload the pictures to PPCGeeks. If you want to look at them now, here you are:



1) The top of the three devices were aligned w/ straight edge, even though it doesn't look it. I did the same on top and back shots.

2) The last pic shows TF3D in landscape

3) I threw in a Centro because, on paper, it is the same thickness as the Touch Pro, but the Centro feels smaller because it as a more rounded back.

4) I was trying to show the difference color temperature between the three screens, but it is not obvious in the picture.

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2008, 01:59 AM
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Re: Two Diamonds and a Touch Pro in my hands. Helpful comparison from TP. PICTURES!!

soooooo imgfs dump?
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