Re: PC USB charger slower than wall powered charger?
The AC adapter charges faster, but in my experience, the slow charge of the PC USB gives my phone more battery life...
Re: PC USB charger slower than wall powered charger?
PC is slower because it provides 500mA of current for charging.
the wall charger provides 1000mA or 1A for charging, so wall charger is twice as fast in most cases.
Re: PC USB charger slower than wall powered charger?
I find that the phone likes to stop recharging sometimes while having it synced with the computer.
Re: PC USB charger slower than wall powered charger?
I would have been more specific as to which settings to change but I honestly have no idea. Either the USB hubs settings, the Windows Power/Standby settings, or both
Re: PC USB charger slower than wall powered charger?
also check Settings > System > Power, and make sure "do no charge when connected to pc/active sync" is not checked on the diamond
Re: PC USB charger slower than wall powered charger?
Good to point out, but it is unchecked. It does charge for a bit then stops, it usually only happens when I am playing with it. I found the power settings in the device manager so I would imagine that would fix it. |