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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2008, 11:17 AM
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Touch Flo's Audio Manager (How to get it working)

Ok, I am sure most of you are smarter than me...it took me awhile to figure this out.

My original problem was I couldn't get my music to the phone. I tried manually moving the songs, supposed WMA and MP3 conflicts and other things to no avail. I even went as far as to try windows media player sync.

What did it for me was this:
1. Create a folder in Internal Storage called MUSIC
2. Create a directory for each Artist
3. Create sub directories for each Album (This and the above may already be this way on your computer).
4. Use MP3tag to make sure all the albums are tagged correctly
5. MOST IMPORTANT - Make sure you select the correct Album Artwork. For some reason every time I tried to move the files over it still would fail. Audio Manager is tied pretty tightly to the album art for some reason. I would have one song using the correct album art but the rest used the default file that iTunes or WM used. By changing the album art file to folder.jpg in each subdirectory and then making sure the album art in MP3tag was properly linked to the folder.jpg it now works flawlessly.

I hope this helps....only thing that worked for me so far.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2008, 11:20 AM
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Re: Touch Flo's Audio Manager (How to get it working)

Originally Posted by jreach View Post
Ok, I am sure most of you are smarter than me...it took me awhile to figure this out.

My original problem was I couldn't get my music to the phone. I tried manually moving the songs, supposed WMA and MP3 conflicts and other things to no avail. I even went as far as to try windows media player sync.

What did it for me was this:
1. Create a folder in Internal Storage called MUSIC
2. Create a directory for each Artist
3. Create sub directories for each Album (This and the above may already be this way on your computer).
4. Use MP3tag to make sure all the albums are tagged correctly
5. MOST IMPORTANT - Make sure you select the correct Album Artwork. For some reason every time I tried to move the files over it still would fail. Audio Manager is tied pretty tightly to the album art for some reason. I would have one song using the correct album art but the rest used the default file that iTunes or WM used. By changing the album art file to folder.jpg in each subdirectory and then making sure the album art in MP3tag was properly linked to the folder.jpg it now works flawlessly.

I hope this helps....only thing that worked for me so far.
putting your music in \Internal Storage\My Documents\My Music would work also as this is where its designed to look first. and this is where most programs will sync your music too if you set it up correctly. and it makes the most sense

i just synced mine with WMP and it put it in that folder directly and automatically and all my music showed on the HTC Audio manager right away

If I have helped you, you like my work, want to get me a coffee or you feel like you wish to help me get my next device.

feel free to its appreciated, but not required!

Thanks To everyone who donated!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2008, 11:31 AM
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Re: Touch Flo's Audio Manager (How to get it working)

Cool thanks Juggalo_X

Not sure why I was having so much problems. I am guessing because they where originally iTunes files that I converted to mp3's maybe? In any case the above got me working...if nothing else the post will be my sticky note for when I have to hard reset and can't remember how to do this again.

For some reason on my device after hard reset the default music folder son my device are MUSIC both on the Internal Storage and on the phone itself.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2008, 11:38 AM
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Re: Touch Flo's Audio Manager (How to get it working)

Originally Posted by jreach View Post
Cool thanks Juggalo_X

Not sure why I was having so much problems. I am guessing because they where originally iTunes files that I converted to mp3's maybe? In any case the above got me working...if nothing else the post will be my sticky note for when I have to hard reset and can't remember how to do this again.

For some reason on my device after hard reset the default music folder son my device are MUSIC both on the Internal Storage and on the phone itself.
i wonder if sprint messed with the defaults. cuz both my default folders are "My Music"
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2009, 02:54 PM
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Re: Touch Flo's Audio Manager (How to get it working)

I tried creating a new file called my music. i still cant get touchflo to find my songs. It also looked like I have 2 copies of every song. Any suggestions to fix this?
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