Mapping Buttons
So we've all seen the regedit to allow us to flip the screen with the push of the Send key and that was wonderful. Now I have to wonder why they won't allow us to map ANY OTHER key other than the send key. One other feature that I loved was the ability to map "screen off" to a button so that I could play music in WMP without leaving the screen on. For some reason it won't continue playing music if you turn of the screen and the screen won't time out.
So, does anyone know how we could map more buttons WITHOUT installing 3rd party software to achieve this. I know that there are wonderful programs to do wonderful things, but I'm looking for a simple solution to this not another install.
Compaq H3650 --> Handspring 600 (Sprint) --> HTC 6600 (Sprint) --> Dell Axim X51v --> HTC Mogul (Sprint) --> HTC Touch (Sprint) --> HTC Diamond (Sprint) --> HTC Touch Pro (Sprint) --> Palm Pre (Sprint) --> HTC Touch Pro 2 (Sprint)