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  #111 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2008, 02:22 PM
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Re: Diamond Reviews

I skimmed through this post...assuming it would help me to decide if I should switch from my beloved, mod'd Mogul. I'm am still not sure if I should make the move.

My main issue with the mogul is the size, but other than that I love this phone. I can teether if my internet service at home goes down. I can surf youtube with no prob, flash is no prob either.

If anyone can input their 2cents that would be cool

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  #112 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2008, 11:51 AM
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Re: Diamond Reviews

Courtneys Review:

This phone is HOTT! I love it, I love it, I love it.

Even though Wideawakes Touch Pro is hotter, I still love this one. It's very small, attractive and easy to use. The different keyboards make me love it even more. They are simple to use also.

I didn't want to let go of my mogul, but I think it's worth it now. The Diamond is not so bulky!!

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  #113 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2008, 02:17 PM
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Re: Diamond Reviews

Well all I did was play with one in the store for about 40 minutes, and wasn't going to post here...but thought I still may as well.

- Surprised that it was thicker than my vogue I realize that it has 4gb internal and wi-fi but...still
- Surprised that the sensitivity of the screen was virtually the exact same, still unresponsive as heck.
- Loved how much faster it was than the vogue (and mogul) (like every other device out there lol). You can dial on the on-screen dial-pad without any lag whatsoever.
You could also use the camera MUCH better than on the vogue/mogul. The screen didnt tear half as much with motion, videos were much smoother (and yes I have tried changing the fps on my vogue). So that was really great. Overall, the speed alone almost sucked me in (I'm a sucker for speed, quad-core all the way (especially coming from a vogue ).

Though as for speed I must say that when going between the tabs in manilla it wasn't too smooth. I couldn't like point out any specific lag but...idk - just didn't seem like it was quite keeping up.
- Thought that for some reason the very corners of the screen seemed somehow harder to get to respond than the rest. No response from exit button and start menu 40% of the time as compared to about 3% of the time on the vogue.
- was REALLY impressed with how smooth the new touchflo was. Was MUCH more like it was actually smoothly gently scrolling.

(yes I did hurry and sneak resco registry on there and did both screen sensitivity hacks just in case...lol)

Conclusion. It it very close to exactly what the vogue should have been, but still not much to be excited about. I'm still sticking w/ the HD. Of course I realize that this store one could have had defects but...well idk. There ya have it straight from a y10 month vogue user and like a month on a mogul
jim256 = jim2561

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Super cheap phones: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=39267

HD or iPhone http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=44839

Android on Vogue (by dzo): http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=23244
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  #114 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 11:25 AM
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Re: Diamond Reviews

I wouldn't switch a phone for an incremental upgrade. Like many, every two years I look at what's out there, and decide if the upgrade with discounts will really make a difference on how I use my phone. I am upgrading from a treo 700wx. I would like to add my thoughts on why this phone is a good upgrade for me.

1. Navigation. I need a gps for my job and I would rather get a phone that could do it So that I wouldn't have to carry around both, and I could also get the benefit of a new phone. With sprint I have the everything plan so adding gps isn't any more money. While the visual is not as good as the nuvi 350, it is competent and the traffic and other live updates are much better.
However they have to fix the lag issues. I was dissapointed to find the pro has them as well.

My ability to do research on the internet is way better. Pages load much quicker than on the 700wx and I don't get all those errors.

Youtube for both entertainment, and educational videos is excellent. THe clarity beats my computer -probably because of the small frame size- and while some videos stutter, many others are fluid.

touchflo - If I keep my phone I am sure I will change this to something I find on here. For anything useful, I revert back to wm. trying to scroll through emails suck. I do like the text messaging. I hate the sprint store for music and as a music player it sucks because the earphines are horrible. I guess they are not trying to compete with the iphone here. I do like the weather tab and the settings tab is very functional. The programs tab is a decent as well.

The battery is horrible. If you own this phone you either have to stay away from it, or use it very little for it to last close to a whole day. If a bigger battery comes out I will be first in line to buy it. I guess this is the sacrifice for having a smaller phone that does so much.

Because of the lag and other problems described in this forum with this phone, I thought about switching to another, even went to verizon and att for options. Like many I wanted the iphone, until I actually spent time with it. For business, word, excell exchange server for calendar and tasks, the iphone is just not there -btw, I own an IPOD, IMAC and macbook pro, so I buy into apple when it works for me. As a phone for sheer entertainment maybe, but even there navigation is in its infacy stage compared to sprints telenav. Also, I could not find another phone this size from any carrier that could compete. So I am either keeping the diamond or going to the pro.
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  #115 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 06:54 PM
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Re: Diamond Reviews

I'll give it a go.

My first impression of the device at a Sprint store was horrible.
I wanted a touchscreen since it seems most of the new software is geared to them and my beloved Q9c of course didn't have one.
I saw one on craigslist and planned an upgrade path to the Pro but the demo in the store killed that.
But a deal fell into my lap I couldn't pass up and bought it.

Sprint TouchFlo, or rather stock ROM, is BAD. The phone would pause for no apparent reason and was frustrating. I half thought it was hosed.
The Diamond I bought acted identical. A Juicy ROM fixed all of that.

All in all I'm happy with the phone but while typing it feels too small. The on-screen keyboard, I use the compact qwerty, works pretty well and I can type faster with less typos, when the predictive text Gods are pleased, than on the Q9c.

Battery life is pretty bad but until I can find a spare I have a system that involves plugged in while driving, plugged in a lunch for a quick charge and plugged in on the way home. Basically leaving it plugged in anytime I'm near an outlet. I use Seven mail, and usually stream music by bluetooth either from the library or through SiriusWM5. This is with the Juicy 2.6 ROM though.

The biggest problem is the D-pad. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.
I'm still learning the phone, on my 4th day, so I'm sure there's some rhyme or reason to the D-pad.

Since my wife TOOK my Q9c I guess I'm stuck with it now FWTW.

Last edited by fr4nk1yn; 11-01-2008 at 04:20 PM. Reason: Typos and Context
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  #116 (permalink)  
Old 10-31-2008, 02:31 AM
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Re: Diamond Reviews

Originally Posted by cmanbrazil View Post
I wouldn't switch a phone for an incremental upgrade. Like many, every two years I look at what's out there, and decide if the upgrade with discounts will really make a difference on how I use my phone. I am upgrading from a treo 700wx. I would like to add my thoughts on why this phone is a good upgrade for me.

1. Navigation. I need a gps for my job and I would rather get a phone that could do it So that I wouldn't have to carry around both, and I could also get the benefit of a new phone. With sprint I have the everything plan so adding gps isn't any more money. While the visual is not as good as the nuvi 350, it is competent and the traffic and other live updates are much better.
However they have to fix the lag issues. I was dissapointed to find the pro has them as well.

My ability to do research on the internet is way better. Pages load much quicker than on the 700wx and I don't get all those errors.

Youtube for both entertainment, and educational videos is excellent. THe clarity beats my computer -probably because of the small frame size- and while some videos stutter, many others are fluid.

touchflo - If I keep my phone I am sure I will change this to something I find on here. For anything useful, I revert back to wm. trying to scroll through emails suck. I do like the text messaging. I hate the sprint store for music and as a music player it sucks because the earphines are horrible. I guess they are not trying to compete with the iphone here. I do like the weather tab and the settings tab is very functional. The programs tab is a decent as well.

The battery is horrible. If you own this phone you either have to stay away from it, or use it very little for it to last close to a whole day. If a bigger battery comes out I will be first in line to buy it. I guess this is the sacrifice for having a smaller phone that does so much.

Because of the lag and other problems described in this forum with this phone, I thought about switching to another, even went to verizon and att for options. Like many I wanted the iphone, until I actually spent time with it. For business, word, excell exchange server for calendar and tasks, the iphone is just not there -btw, I own an IPOD, IMAC and macbook pro, so I buy into apple when it works for me. As a phone for sheer entertainment maybe, but even there navigation is in its infacy stage compared to sprints telenav. Also, I could not find another phone this size from any carrier that could compete. So I am either keeping the diamond or going to the pro.

Hey I just wanted to make the comment that, based off your review and needs, it sounds like the 800w might be the way to go for you, though I assume you have already checked that out? (lol I'm even selling one ...) any comments on why you didn't go that way?

I don't care for the diamond either, HD all the way. I myself would have kept the 800, but the muffling of the earpiece is just terrible...did anyone ever find a fix for that?
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  #117 (permalink)  
Old 10-31-2008, 01:29 PM
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Re: Diamond Reviews

Originally Posted by jim2561 View Post
Hey I just wanted to make the comment that, based off your review and needs, it sounds like the 800w might be the way to go for you, though I assume you have already checked that out? (lol I'm even selling one ...) any comments on why you didn't go that way?

I don't care for the diamond either, HD all the way. I myself would have kept the 800, but the muffling of the earpiece is just terrible...did anyone ever find a fix for that?
Same here. The earpiece on the 800w makes it impossible to use as a phone. If you all thought the battery life on the Diamond is bad, you've never seen anything until you've owned an 800w. The device is enormous compared to the Diamond but has a 15% smaller battery. Eeek.

A juicy or mighty ROM on the Diamond makes it almost like an entirely new device. Very little comparison to the stock Sprint ROM.
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  #118 (permalink)  
Old 10-31-2008, 01:34 PM
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Re: Diamond Reviews

A coworker bought one, it kept crashing and had to be reset daily. It didn't seem a big enough upgrade from the 700wx I had. I like to try different things -wifey, if you read this it doesn't apply to you - and the 800 screen resolution doesn't make internet reading much better. btw, three staff have the diamond now.
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  #119 (permalink)  
Old 10-31-2008, 06:43 PM
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Re: Diamond Reviews

Originally Posted by cmanbrazil View Post
I like to try different things -wifey, if you read this it doesn't apply to you
Bummer. I was really wanting to hang upside down from a chandelier and stick a candy corn up your ***. You know, just to try different things with you, dear - it IS Halloween and all.

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  #120 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 12:21 PM
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Re: Diamond Reviews

funny, I was thinking along the lines of my wife thinking about other women, but unfortunately I see your point. lol

Back to the diamond. I am one of the few on here sticking with the diamond instead of upgrading to the pro. I went to the sprint store and played with the keyboard for about twenty minutes and realized that the size and the feel of the diamond is much better for a touchflow screen. If I hold the phone with one hand I have to reach to much to get to the whole screen. Whereas the diamond it is easy.

In addition, the keyboard is not that nice. The keys should depress more to let you know you have hit it.
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