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Old 02-23-2010, 02:05 PM
anddy78's Avatar
Pocket PC: HTC 6950
Carrier: Movilnet
Location: Venezuela
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Diamond GPS working ONLY in flight mode

Hi everyone, I'm from Venezuela and my carrier is Movilnet CDMA, recently I adquire a HTC Diamond, my previous phone was an HTC 6800, I will try to explain my trouble, but I'm not any good in english, so here we go:

1. The GPS works very well and locks in my city, only when it is in flight mode.
2. The registry key SUPL AGPS is empty by default, however I try every single tweak and GPSModes whit negative results.
3. In another cities of my country the GPS works flawless, even with filght mode on or off, I travel some cities and in some is working and in others simply not. This trouble is common for other CDMA HTC devices, i.e. HTC6800.
4. In areas with no coverage the cell phone, the GPS locks consistently and quick.
5. QuickGPS does nothing in my phone, it download data but I think the GPS doesn't use the data downladed.
6. All above happens to all people with diamond and another CDMA HTC devices in my country.
7. Our carrier doesn't use agps, in QPST all boxes are checked, the IP and port are set to 0, however I disable all boxes and I don't see any changes in performance of GPS.
8. When started a GPS software all sats are showed at north until it fixes.
9. Garmin Mobile XT not works when Intermediate Driver is selected, only works in COM4.

The original radio was 1.12.34F, but now I'm using 1.12.20 because is giving me better gps results.
The ROM is stock, and the test was done with Garmin XT, GPSTest, VisualGPSce and HTC GPS tool, also instaled GPS fix from HTC and cleangpsdata.

I need some help for solve this issue, Thanks.

Last edited by anddy78; 02-23-2010 at 02:25 PM.
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