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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 04:09 PM
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Is this a good way to get out of Sprint

First let me state that for the most part I've been very pleased with my Sprint service. I'm leaving for 2 reasons: Price and Smartphones.
Sprint right now is charging me $108 for 3G, 900 minutes, and phone insurance, and taxes.
T-mobile is only $69.99 for 1000 minutes, 3G, and NO contract.
Now with taxes and phone insurance($6 per month) its going to be about $83 per month. But that's still $25 cheaper x 12months= $300 savings per year.
Now I know their coverage is inferior, but I know in my city they have 3G coverage and I'm not on the road much so it shouldn't effect me too much. They also have the HTC HD2 coming out. Sprint has announced NOTHING.

Now my question is, I have like 21 months left on contract, which is a $200 ETF, does this actaully work to avoid that?

Also, I bought my Touch Diamond off Craigslist for $150, so I still have my 2 year contract pricing.
So I was thinking about getting the mifi 2200 for free than selling it off ebay for $120ish. This should cover the lost of my opening deposit money.
After this I would cancel Sprint using the method above than go to T-mobile. Then I would try to get a free windows mobile phone through this:
Then I would wait for the HTC HD2.

Now my questions are:
1. Does the Sprint ETF get around actually work?
2. Could I use my contract before quitting?
3. Is the Mi-fi the best item to resell?
4. Can you really get a free Touch Pro 2 from T-mobile?

Thank you all for your help. What I like about this is that it gives me the flexibility to rejoin Sprint if they did annouce something good in February. Yet it also allows me the freedom to not have to put it with old phones for the next 2 years from Sprint if they don't annouce anything.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 05:12 PM
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Re: Is this a good way to get out of Sprint

1. Does the Sprint ETF get around actually work?

Yes. Material adverse changes to the TOC gets you a no ETF cancel. You have to be persistant and polite. I'd actually call and see if they can get you on a better plan, the simply everything plan is less than what you quoted. Retentions would probably be able to help you in this area.

2. Could I use my contract before quitting?

I don't know and won't speculate.

3. Is the Mi-fi the best item to resell?

I don't know and won't speculate.

4. Can you really get a free Touch Pro 2 from T-mobile?

According to that website you can.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 08:35 PM
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Re: Is this a good way to get out of Sprint

WEll the thing is, even the everything plan is probably going to be the same price after taxes. And the only difference I can see is that everything has unlimited minutes, but I don't even come close to using my 900(but I do use more than 500). The main reason for switching to T-mobile is the HD2. I'm not sure to switch and don't want to make a rushed decision. I called T-mobile and guy did say the touch pro 2 was free with no activation fee. This is very tempting to me but I also like Sprints coverage as T-mobile's is very limited.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 08:51 PM
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Re: Is this a good way to get out of Sprint

I wouldn't give up my Diamond for a TP2, but am very tempted by the HD2. It's wicked awesome. I'm probably going to wait and see what Win 7 Mobile devices come out before leaving my old reliable Diamond.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 09:13 PM
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Re: Is this a good way to get out of Sprint

Well the Touch Pro 2 is just the icing on the cake.
If I left Sprint without an ETF, and got a LGLotus before leaving, sold on ebay for $140 new. Then sold my Touch Diamond for $140 used on Ebay.
After this I would get T-mobile for a little less than Sprint per month, and a Touch Pro 2, along with $280 spare cash. Now I would just wait a few months, sell my Touch Pro 2 for $250 and I'd have $530 to get the HD2 without contract pricing.

To conclude, I'd be able to have a better phone til the HD2 comes out, I wouldn't have to pay the ETF on my Sprint bill, and I should have enough money to pay for the HTC HD2 when it comes out. All while keeping my phone number.

I see this as more as oppurtunity to get out of Sprint before I'm left in a worse situation. I can tell you this much, if Sprint announced a 4G phone from HTC with a 1GHZ snapdragon cpu with a 3.6" or larger screen with 512mbs of RAM I'd stay in a heartbeat.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 09:41 PM
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Re: Is this a good way to get out of Sprint

Yes, when sprint raised their regulatory fee's again, you have the right to say thats why you are leaving and you're out!

If you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and then make a change ~Michael Jackson
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 10:28 PM
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Re: Is this a good way to get out of Sprint

Hey guys I noticed that when I went to order the LG Lotus to resell it, it said my contract would go up to January 2012. I thought the 2 year contract was relative to the time I started the service not the time I use my discount. Will I still be able to cancel the service this month after buying the LG lotus and extended my contract buying it?
I think I will just cancel the service without buying it. I don't want to take any chances to be stuck on Sprint.
Does my service end immediately when I close the account or does it last to the end of the month?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 11:28 PM
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Re: Is this a good way to get out of Sprint

Originally Posted by bEaver_2 View Post
Hey guys I noticed that when I went to order the LG Lotus to resell it, it said my contract would go up to January 2012. I thought the 2 year contract was relative to the time I started the service not the time I use my discount. Will I still be able to cancel the service this month after buying the LG lotus and extended my contract buying it?
I think I will just cancel the service without buying it. I don't want to take any chances to be stuck on Sprint.
Does my service end immediately when I close the account or does it last to the end of the month?
You're better off asking Sprint these questions, but if you get a new phone with a discount, it is usually tied to a contract. If you agree to the new contract for the new phone, you're probably agreeing to the new regulatory charge and won't be able to cancel using that loophole. You would have had to get the phone before the regulatory charge was implemented IMO.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 02:00 AM
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Re: Is this a good way to get out of Sprint

Originally Posted by j37hr0 View Post
I wouldn't give up my Diamond for a TP2, but am very tempted by the HD2. It's wicked awesome. I'm probably going to wait and see what Win 7 Mobile devices come out before leaving my old reliable Diamond.
You all should get a hero and try it out! It's wicked awesone even if it is andriod
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 02:05 AM
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Re: Is this a good way to get out of Sprint

Originally Posted by bEaver_2 View Post
First let me state that for the most part I've been very pleased with my Sprint service. I'm leaving for 2 reasons: Price and Smartphones.
Sprint right now is charging me $108 for 3G, 900 minutes, and phone insurance, and taxes.
T-mobile is only $69.99 for 1000 minutes, 3G, and NO contract.
Now with taxes and phone insurance($6 per month) its going to be about $83 per month. But that's still $25 cheaper x 12months= $300 savings per year.
Now I know their coverage is inferior, but I know in my city they have 3G coverage and I'm not on the road much so it shouldn't effect me too much. They also have the HTC HD2 coming out. Sprint has announced NOTHING.

Now my question is, I have like 21 months left on contract, which is a $200 ETF, does this actaully work to avoid that?

Also, I bought my Touch Diamond off Craigslist for $150, so I still have my 2 year contract pricing.
So I was thinking about getting the mifi 2200 for free than selling it off ebay for $120ish. This should cover the lost of my opening deposit money.
After this I would cancel Sprint using the method above than go to T-mobile. Then I would try to get a free windows mobile phone through this:
Then I would wait for the HTC HD2.

Now my questions are:
1. Does the Sprint ETF get around actually work?
2. Could I use my contract before quitting?
3. Is the Mi-fi the best item to resell?
4. Can you really get a free Touch Pro 2 from T-mobile?

Thank you all for your help. What I like about this is that it gives me the flexibility to rejoin Sprint if they did annouce something good in February. Yet it also allows me the freedom to not have to put it with old phones for the next 2 years from Sprint if they don't annouce anything.
Ok the best spront items to resell I've seen are the hero, moment, and bb tour.. I've tried what you wan to try already lol and I think for 106.99 a month yu hav unlimited mins. The 900 min plan is 89.00 I think
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