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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2010, 03:05 PM
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Help me get my Desire on Verizon, last details

I can't figure it out... I've cloned my Eris, already (and still) on the Verizon network, I've updated the prl on the eris and transfered it to the Desire, I've taken the 10.key dmu file and loaded it into the desire and I've copied all the settings over viewing ##778#...

Immediately after getting the pESN and MEID settings copied, having the prl already in the phone, I switched my eris to airplane mode and took the desire out of airplane, I was able to *228 option 1 the phone on the verizon network, then I tried making a call and eventually got an error message that told me my phone couldn't be authenticated, then sometime after that my phone lost the signal completely (was getting signal though it showed as roaming) and had an x over the bars and now the mobile network switch widget is grayed out...

changing any settings now can't seem to get me back connected to the network, I've tried different prl's and loading in the dmu 10.key from the eris... sooooo could verizon see the phone's model number? is there some way to "deactivate' the eris so that the desire will connect? I've heard people tell others with a similar issue to call cust serv for an auth key but usually the people with the problem were still at least connected to the network and still getting the authentication error message... now my desire isn't connected at all should I still call for this auth key or will it do me know good without first being connected to the network?

what am I missing?

Also I am using the full version of CDMA Workshop, QPST 2.7 and QXDM 3.11? or 3.9 whichever has the m.ip settings editor tab in it

Last edited by psilo; 12-02-2010 at 03:11 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2011, 07:20 PM
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Re: Help me get my Desire on Verizon, last details

you need to call verizon and have them add the esn to your account for the active phone
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2011, 09:20 PM
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Re: Help me get my Desire on Verizon, last details

Good luck!
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  PPCGeeks > Android > Android HTC Devices > Legacy HTC Android Devices > HTC Desire

desire, esn, meid, network, verizon

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