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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2007, 12:19 AM
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Question want some help with my t-mobile wing phone.

want some information on how to change it to the iphone style and whatever other new stuff you can d that i dont know! thanks
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-28-2007, 05:22 PM
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I posted this in another thread but it may help:

I have the HTC Home Customizer on mine. It works well. I also was able to install the Grumps iPhone theme. I also have these apps on there:

-PocketCM v0.17 w/ Torx iPhone skin
-Live Search
-TCPMP/FlashVideoBundle (I am a Youtube junkie)
-Touchpal (It's a nice touchscreen keyboard or SIP. You'll need SIP Change too)
-BatterStatus (I have it on so I can overclock the processer. I have it set at 247MHz. It helps speed things up. Some of the other features of the program are nice tho)
-Nargz iPhone Dialpad (I would reccommend that highly)

I have HAD:

-Cube (Just look for it. The iCube is awesome but I don't have much use for it)
-WeatherPanel w/ Phatphinger Skins
-Palringo (IM program. For some reason my accounts wouldn't connect so I deleted it)
-IM+ (Which I will get again, but you have to buy that)
-Opera Mini (IE Alternative)
-Deepfish (IE Alternative. I didn't like it tho)
-PocketNester (Game emulator. I liked it but I wasn't using it often enough to keep it)

I also have a few little .cab hacks I installed. I installed an "Internet Speed Hack"... a "Battery and Performance Hack"... and a hack to get rid of that dumb sent message notification you get when you send an SMS. I wanna say those are all the programs I have messed with. If not all, that's about 90% of them haha.


Sorry I forgot to mention that I have also had that Touch-IT and TouchFlo stuff on mine. I wouldn't reccommend it. It didn't help my performance at all and actually, it messed up my server settings so bad I wasn't able to get Email or MMS. I was on the phone with tech support 3 times for about 2 hours each and they finally just sent a replacement because they couldn't figure it out.

In addition to my other reply I left out that I currently have the HTC Audio Manager installed too. I would suggest that you d/l as little of the HTC Today Screen skins as possible. Since the Wing doesn't have a huge about of space, d/l all the appearances just hogs up space you'll need elsewhere.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-01-2008, 01:14 PM
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I'm getting the error message link file not found on some of my iphone icons by Grumps. Can you help me with that? I also want some of the things you have on your phone. Pocket sportscenter isn't working on my phone for some reason. It works fine when my phone is hooked up to my pc via active sync but it doesn't work when it not hooked up. Please advise
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-01-2008, 06:11 PM
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The only thing I could say would to make sure you have an active data connection. It worked fine for me. If it still isn't working (after a remove and re-install) then I would call tech support and say that you're data connection isn't working. I had an issue with my phone and had to call tech support and they couldn't fix the issue so they sent me a new one... works great now. Just make sure you don't say anything about putting these different programs on it lol. I wasn't getting MMS and told them that I went into a store and did a Master Reset and it didn't fix the issue.

Anyways, that's was pretty irrelevant lol. Email me or whatever with "T-mobile Wing Apps" as subject line and I will send you a zip with all the application/.cab installs that I have. I have all the ones I m currently using saved in a folder (which appropriately named sub folders).

Just an FYI. I also have Slide2Unlock Pro v1.04 on there now. It is nice but a little flaky with calls sometimes. I will see if I still have the .cab for the older version I was using just in case you want to install that first.


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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-04-2008, 02:10 AM
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Pagepoll and Overclocking

I, not sure if this is just a no brainer but the first thing I would do is OC and get rid of that 12mb pagepool. I dont know alot about customizing the wing yet, still playing around....but im sure this would help.

Follow the link to the XDA cab page.


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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2008, 05:38 AM
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the best way to get a really good iPhone interface is to eBay your touch/mogul and go get an iPhone....
I'm a flashing junkie. (the first step is admitting you have a problem)
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2008, 12:43 PM
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Originally Posted by airmangimpy View Post
I, not sure if this is just a no brainer but the first thing I would do is OC and get rid of that 12mb pagepool. I dont know alot about customizing the wing yet, still playing around....but im sure this would help.

Follow the link to the XDA cab page.


I would go directly to this link http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=326655 (which is posted in the thread you put.. but there is also that Modaco.com shit which gets confusing for a newbie lol)

They have a .cab there that you can get to change the pagepool (mine is set at 6MB because 4MB seemed to be too slow for me). Just letting you know, when you install the .cab and run it it will error and say that it wasn't installed successfully... but follow the rest of the instructions and it will work anyways. Just ignore the error message. It's easier than messing around with ROMs or whatever. Also, I have BatteryStatus to overlock mine (I have it set at 247 MHz and it runs nicely. I have seen some people do it at 260 MHz tho).
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2008, 01:34 AM
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I think the link I put up was just to get the pagepool and batstatus cabs. It look me alil bit to figure out the page pool, but all you need to do is extract on your pc, put the cab on your phone (I just throw it on a SD because I still dont know what im doing with the sync) once the cab is istalled and your phone is synced to your pc, just run the page bat off your pc. I use the 6mb just for stability ( and damn that extra 6mb is nice) And I can only overclock to 247 also, my wing always bars on me and i have to reset.

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2008, 01:50 AM
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Originally Posted by airmangimpy View Post
I think the link I put up was just to get the pagepool and batstatus cabs. It look me alil bit to figure out the page pool, but all you need to do is extract on your pc, put the cab on your phone (I just throw it on a SD because I still dont know what im doing with the sync) once the cab is istalled and your phone is synced to your pc, just run the page bat off your pc. I use the 6mb just for stability ( and damn that extra 6mb is nice) And I can only overclock to 247 also, my wing always bars on me and i have to reset.

I have the same set up lol. I figured I would help all the Wing owners out so I am actually in the middle of posting a zip with a bunch of apps. It will make it easier.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2008, 02:13 AM
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I finished my post of all my apps. You can find it here. I hope it helps.


Last edited by InsertUserAlias; 01-26-2008 at 03:10 PM.
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