From HTC / Windows to Samsung N2 / Droid!!!
I have moved on to Samsung / Android! The wife says it's time to go! It's been fun with the HTC. I still have my HTC Arrive! Might as well keep it! Sprint is only giving $43 for the it. The Arrive is much smalller than my new Samsung Galaxy Note 2. I will use to take pics, etc. Still with Sprint! I am not going anywhere when it comes to my provider. I still believe Sprint is the # 1 Cell & data provider!!
Previous Rant!!!
I love the HTC product line. Coming from the Pro 2 Windows mobil to a Window phone was not the same. Android O/S is more like the window mobile. I started to get the Android HTC evo 4g or Android HTC Shift. The windows has been alright. I have not been able to get any update let lone Mango to update on the my HTC Arrive.
I upgraded 2 Pro 2 phones for 2 HTC Arrives for me and the wife. My wife likes the Facebook capabilities. I miss the Bells & Wristles. We can not even get our custom ring tone. Customer service for the Window phone/Sprint/Zune sucks!!
We will bite the bullet soon and ebay 2 Android HTC phones (Ev0 4g or Shift)! Definetely no more window phones for me! There was my Rant! Hopefully other have had better luck!
I have notice 1 thing about the HTC Arrive forum: It's Dead over hear compared to the Pro 2 forum. Given all the thread in the Pro 2 forum regarding the HTC Arrive! I believe it has been all around disappointment! Seems like Microsoft was more interested in selling music & snooping in your pics for nuddies!!