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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2011, 02:23 AM
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Got the Arrive now using Touch Pro2 as charger.

My Arrive has been going strong swapping my batteries out of a charging Touch Pro2. This in result has got me 2 power cycled batteries. I haven't fully charged out of my Arrive since new. Who likes waiting for a charge? Anyone using a higher then 1500mah battery? Was looking to buying a mugen 1800mah battery from an HTC Hero for around 34 bucks. They seem to be a little cheaper for some reason. It's the same battery type as the Touch Pro2, Evo, Incredible and possibly others.

Last edited by NIKOKAPS; 05-13-2011 at 02:29 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2011, 02:58 AM
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Re: Got the Arrive now using Touch Pro2 as charger.

I have a bunch of TP2 batteries I bought for deer season. Personally, I haven't had the need to swap out batteries yet with my Arrive. Maxx134 had a post over in Vins thread regarding aftermarket batts. I'll copy here for you for some food for thought......

"My co-worker with an Evo bit the bullet and got an extendid battery.
I wanrned him about the cheapo ebay knock-offs,
that sell you battery and case for less than $20,

As they are just 2 smaller cheap batteries connected in parallel in one case,
so you still get more than 1500ma, but the battery circuitry is not setup for that,
so you end up having erratic battery life for first few charge cycles.

ALSO.. ALL BATTERY COMPANIES LIE-LIE-LIE about Miliamp-Hour ratings!!!

DON'T Believe Seido OR Mugen.. !!!
IT DOESN't matter WHO, or WHERE it comes from!
ONLY OEM Batteries are held accountable to have accurate rating!!!
ONLY OEM Batteries can be trusted to have miliamp-hour stated!!!

That being said, I did buy have an ultra cheapo priced,
3500ma!! Ebay battery for an Evo, only $10 dollars!!!

I placed it in my TP2, as they are compatible.
It came quick as it came from a "USA" seller, not china that takes a month
And it outperforms my 1800ma Mugen, and my 2000ma no-name, and my
1500ma HTC OEM !
It is stated at 3500ma, but lasts like a 2000ma.
My mugen 1800ma, lasts like a 1300ma
My HTC OEM 1500ma, thats over a year old, lasts like an 1000ma
My no-name ("ananda" I think) a 2000ma battery, lasts like an 1000ma
I have a seido rated 1500ma for the TP1,
and truthfully never noticed ANY real difference over the standard 1340ma battery

My coworker bought an OEM extendid battery for his Evo and couldn't be happier,
as it pushes true power rated, more than all of mine lol.

You can buy a Mugen or Seido 3500ma...
and IT WONT last as long as an OEM 2200ma !!!
I know I could get alot of heat from fanboys of other name brands,
or refutations of those that say they know better or work for the company.
To me it's all BS, and nobody can tell me as I have experienced it."
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2011, 08:35 AM
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Re: Got the Arrive now using Touch Pro2 as charger.

seems that the poor sprint service that has plagued my area these past few months has worn out the batteries in my arrive (the one that came with it and the replacement one from my tp2) even tho the service in my area has improved in recent days my batteries don't last longer than 2 or 3 hours of heavy use. when I first got them id get 4 hours and they even die without giving a warning. so it seems as if both batteries lost 750mah,I may goto sprint if it doesn't improve to see if I can get it replaced.

Last edited by eric12341; 05-13-2011 at 08:37 AM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2011, 11:06 AM
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Re: Got the Arrive now using Touch Pro2 as charger.

Same thing here with my TP2 right now which I leave in my car. It is serving as my Tom Tom GPS currently.

I already have a cheap battery charger shown in this auction:
Battery Desktop Charger For Sprint HTC Touch Pro 2 Pro2 | eBay
I use this at home and have not had issues with it. Worth the low price.

Also I use NEW OEM batteries I bought for cheap as found on Ebay here:
No problems with these either. They switch in and out of my phones frequently because I dial a lot during the day!

I haven't noticed service area problems affecting my life on the phone. I usually change out the battery 2 or 3 times per day because it seems like the phone is always on. One thing I do miss from the TP2 as how easy it is to change a battery. A little more work to flip up the screen on the Arrive to remove the cover. Oh well
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2011, 12:03 PM
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Good deal on 2 batteries + charger

I picked up one of these 2 batteries + charger bundle a couple of months back for my Touch Pro 2 and now I'm using them in the Arrive.

I couldn't be happier, batteries last 2 days.

I can't remember if when I bought mine they were advertised as 1900 mAh but the ones I got were 1800 mAh.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2011, 12:38 PM
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Re: Got the Arrive now using Touch Pro2 as charger.

I do the same with my EVO... Gotta love HTC.
I believe the battery from the Hero is the same too.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2011, 01:55 PM
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Re: Good deal on 2 batteries + charger

Originally Posted by fade007 View Post
I picked up one of these 2 batteries + charger bundle a couple of months back for my Touch Pro 2 and now I'm using them in the Arrive.

I couldn't be happier, batteries last 2 days.

I can't remember if when I bought mine they were advertised as 1900 mAh but the ones I got were 1800 mAh.
Nice link fade, 1800 or 1900 doesn't matter 2 is better then 1 for $30 I'm sold. I have 3 original 1500s which came from my old tp2 but the extra power is really nice.

None of my friends with evo's were willing to trade there red batteries for my black ones.. Time to get my own red ones with higher power

Last edited by NIKOKAPS; 05-18-2011 at 01:59 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2011, 04:35 PM
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Re: Got the Arrive now using Touch Pro2 as charger.

Red Black... What's the difference unless you have a see through back door.
I rock the black one all the time.
No one can see it anyway.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2011, 04:55 AM
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Re: Got the Arrive now using Touch Pro2 as charger.

With my current usage, the battery easily lasts 2 days. I have my tp2 but never had to change out the battery.

At first I thought that it was WP7 but my cousin with a WP7 phone on tmobile kills his batteries quickly. I don't know the name of his phone but it's specs and size are exactly like the evo.
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Old 06-12-2011, 07:38 PM
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Re: Got the Arrive now using Touch Pro2 as charger.

I have 3 HTC batteries from multiple TP2 TEP replacements. I do the same thing for charging. Depending on what I am doing, carrying an extra battery or two works out great. I also purchased the TP2 desktop cradle + extra battery charger and a while back and will be using it heavily during Comic Con
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