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  #71 (permalink)  
Old 05-16-2011, 08:34 AM
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Wirelessly posted (Htc Arrive: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.4; en-us; Nexus S 4G Build/GRJ22) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

Well wifi tethering is on the Mango changelog.
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old 05-16-2011, 02:12 PM
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Re: Tethering on the Arrive?

and aside from that the jailbreak nodo project has begun. so it'll be down to what's first. what's interesting is WM didn't really have HSPLs or security removal hacks till WM5.
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2011, 01:42 AM
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Re: Tethering on the Arrive?

My HTC Arrive is unlocked. I can tell you that the USB modem trick that works on other HTC Windows Phones does NOT work on this with Sprint. The router app and drivers are doing as they are supposed to, but Sprints server does not pick up the connection request.

Originally Posted by info[]box1 View Post
Well wifi tethering is on the Mango changelog.
Unfortunately, it doesnt matter what changes Microsoft makes, if they enable tether - the decision ultimately lies with the carrier, and as you can see above, the issue is with Sprint, not MS. grrrrr!

When will carriers get this?: we DONT want multiple devices (data cards) to do the same job as a single device that is already fully technically capable. And we are ALREADY paying for unlimited data. Get off your high horse, you fat money hogs, I am sick of this lock out. And I am disg.usted about charging more for less.

I miss my TP2, but only for tether. The Arrive is far superior in every other way.

I see a world one day where data cards are ditched like the 8-track as they should be, and we simply have our phones, with wifi tether, and that is defacto.

There are some very lame "you dont need tether" posts on this thread, btw. That needs to stop. Quit telling others what they need or not, when you have no clue. Not every area under the sun has wifi, but 95% + does have cellular - so yes, tether is needed, and stop chanting about how its no big deal. Its not about surfing the stupid web (that can indeed be done on the phone itself). What about connecting into VPN from my PC and getting files and documents from work? Can I do that without wifi or tether, or from the phone itself? No. Or how about staying at a hotel where the bandwidth is slower than 1998 dial up? Is it ok not to have tethering then? No. Or how about using ANY desktop app that connects to web services (which is dang near ALL of them now days) and wifi not availble? No, no, no! Tethering is aboslutely needed. Argument over.

btw, the only thing I loathe worse than tether block and forced data card crap is the SMS texting charges for those without unlimited plans. Charge you $0.25 for something that costs carriers $0.000001 to send on their network. Awesome. Would you pay per email? What if Comcast, Verizon, AOL or other ISP's start sniffing your internet use and charge per email? Or charge you just to have a netgear router in the house to share your connection for home devices (which they tried and failed years ago, thankfully)? Insane. That is NOT ok, yet we let these cellular companies walk all over us with exactly that same type of pattern. The only reason they get away with this crap is that people are so clueless about it, and just pay their bills and dont care. Need more people to wake the heck up and make noise.

Dont get me started on cable companies... charing per month per box per TV.... absolutey ridiculous. Again, what if your ISP charged you per computer? You'd be pissed. But if you dont mind about per TV, you are in idiot. What is wrong with people?


I still love my Windows Phone 7. I just hate all carriers and their ridiculous schemes.

Tether is a must
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2011, 01:46 AM
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Re: Tethering on the Arrive?

Originally Posted by roachslayer View Post
My HTC Arrive is unlocked. I can tell you that the USB modem trick that works on other HTC Windows Phones does NOT work on this with Sprint. The router app and drivers are doing as they are supposed to, but Sprints server does not pick up the connection request.

Unfortunately, it doesnt matter what changes Microsoft makes, if they enable tether - the decision ultimately lies with the carrier, and as you can see above, the issue is with Sprint, not MS. grrrrr!

When will carriers get this?: we DONT want multiple devices (data cards) to do the same job as a single device that is already fully technically capable. And we are ALREADY paying for unlimited data. Get off your high horse, you fat money hogs, I am sick of this lock out. And I am disg.usted about charging more for less.

I miss my TP2, but only for tether. The Arrive is far superior in every other way.

I see a world one day where data cards are ditched like the 8-track as they should be, and we simply have our phones, with wifi tether, and that is defacto.

There are some very lame "you dont need tether" posts on this thread, btw. That needs to stop. Quit telling others what they need or not, when you have no clue. Not every area under the sun has wifi, but 95% + does have cellular - so yes, tether is needed, and stop chanting about how its no big deal. Its not about surfing the stupid web (that can indeed be done on the phone itself). What about connecting into VPN from my PC and getting files and documents from work? Can I do that without wifi or tether, or from the phone itself? No. Or how about staying at a hotel where the bandwidth is slower than 1998 dial up? Is it ok not to have tethering then? No. Or how about using ANY desktop app that connects to web services (which is dang near ALL of them now days) and wifi not availble? No, no, no! Tethering is aboslutely needed. Argument over.

btw, the only thing I loathe worse than tether block and forced data card crap is the SMS texting charges for those without unlimited plans. Charge you $0.25 for something that costs carriers $0.000001 to send on their network. Awesome. Would you pay per email? What if Comcast, Verizon, AOL or other ISP's start sniffing your internet use and charge per email? Or charge you just to have a netgear router in the house to share your connection for home devices (which they tried and failed years ago, thankfully)? Insane. That is NOT ok, yet we let these cellular companies walk all over us with exactly that same type of pattern. The only reason they get away with this crap is that people are so clueless about it, and just pay their bills and dont care. Need more people to wake the heck up and make noise.

Dont get me started on cable companies... charing per month per box per TV.... absolutey ridiculous. Again, what if your ISP charged you per computer? You'd be pissed. But if you dont mind about per TV, you are in idiot. What is wrong with people?


I still love my Windows Phone 7. I just hate all carriers and their ridiculous schemes.

Tether is a must
great first post, eric should love this one.
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2011, 04:33 AM
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Re: Tethering on the Arrive?

I agree. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to finally have an unlimited plan where my bill is FINALLY my bill w/out extra charges but it feels like settleing. It does suck to not to have more tailored options. Between 2 phones on my plan and 1500 mins we use approx 100 of those mins actual talk time. Most is text or data. Really wouldn't even need the data (most everywhere we are has wifi) except for those impulse moments on the go where premium data is a convenience factor. I guess it's hard to complain though because I often gripe about sporting event prices and the people that support them. I am guilty of mobile enabling.
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  #76 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2011, 07:54 AM
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Re: Tethering on the Arrive?

Wow! Gee, trolls unite! Well, Sprint is already allowing tethering, both legally and illegally. They just need for it to be built in to the OS.

........ and the moral of the story is: "you can't have a drink on the house"
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  #77 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2011, 10:57 AM
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Re: Tethering on the Arrive?

Just because someone expresses frustration does not imply troll. I have shared factual information that is helpful, despite being a rant. Does anyone challenge the facts? I've stated what I need, and would be happy to have a meaningful discussion at this point, minus the rant.

Btw, I didn't not say sprint doesn't allow tether at large, but true for most devices and accounts, generally true unless you have a hack (which my point was, should not be necessary), and certainly true in the case of the HTC Arrive. If anyone has facts to share to prove otherwise, I welcome it.
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  #78 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2011, 11:59 AM
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Re: Tethering on the Arrive?

Originally Posted by roachslayer View Post
My HTC Arrive is unlocked. I can tell you that the USB modem trick that works on other HTC Windows Phones does NOT work on this with Sprint. The router app and drivers are doing as they are supposed to, but Sprints server does not pick up the connection request.

Unfortunately, it doesnt matter what changes Microsoft makes, if they enable tether - the decision ultimately lies with the carrier, and as you can see above, the issue is with Sprint, not MS. grrrrr!

When will carriers get this?: we DONT want multiple devices (data cards) to do the same job as a single device that is already fully technically capable. And we are ALREADY paying for unlimited data. Get off your high horse, you fat money hogs, I am sick of this lock out. And I am disg.usted about charging more for less.

I miss my TP2, but only for tether. The Arrive is far superior in every other way.

I see a world one day where data cards are ditched like the 8-track as they should be, and we simply have our phones, with wifi tether, and that is defacto.

There are some very lame "you dont need tether" posts on this thread, btw. That needs to stop. Quit telling others what they need or not, when you have no clue. Not every area under the sun has wifi, but 95% + does have cellular - so yes, tether is needed, and stop chanting about how its no big deal. Its not about surfing the stupid web (that can indeed be done on the phone itself). What about connecting into VPN from my PC and getting files and documents from work? Can I do that without wifi or tether, or from the phone itself? No. Or how about staying at a hotel where the bandwidth is slower than 1998 dial up? Is it ok not to have tethering then? No. Or how about using ANY desktop app that connects to web services (which is dang near ALL of them now days) and wifi not availble? No, no, no! Tethering is aboslutely needed. Argument over.

btw, the only thing I loathe worse than tether block and forced data card crap is the SMS texting charges for those without unlimited plans. Charge you $0.25 for something that costs carriers $0.000001 to send on their network. Awesome. Would you pay per email? What if Comcast, Verizon, AOL or other ISP's start sniffing your internet use and charge per email? Or charge you just to have a netgear router in the house to share your connection for home devices (which they tried and failed years ago, thankfully)? Insane. That is NOT ok, yet we let these cellular companies walk all over us with exactly that same type of pattern. The only reason they get away with this crap is that people are so clueless about it, and just pay their bills and dont care. Need more people to wake the heck up and make noise.

Dont get me started on cable companies... charing per month per box per TV.... absolutey ridiculous. Again, what if your ISP charged you per computer? You'd be pissed. But if you dont mind about per TV, you are in idiot. What is wrong with people?


I still love my Windows Phone 7. I just hate all carriers and their ridiculous schemes.

Tether is a must
I agree with this, I am still using my TP2, in fact I am tethering right now to type this I really want to step up to the arrive and the only real reasons is I do like windows mobile better than others and the speed of the phone because lets face it, the processor in the TP2 was just a bad choice from the get go. I have heard that Sprint has been cracking down on people tethering excessively so this all may be related. They have done this before and nothing big really came of it... and I have yet to ever receive a notice from them so I keep on keepin on.
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  #79 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2011, 06:27 PM
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Re: Tethering on the Arrive?

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
great first post, eric should love this one.
it was a good post. he was blaming carriers for this rather than MS like the others were doing. there is a crackdown on tethering by carriers tho. I know at&t and VZ are doing this don't know about sprint or tmobile tho.
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  #80 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2011, 08:43 PM
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Re: Tethering on the Arrive?

I thank everyone here for their posts, I was about to get a free arrive from sprint if i agreed to the 10 add on to my bill ( long story if you want to hear it Ill post) but after reading the limits of the device ill just wait on my 13th tp2 it might break easy and it might be slow but it does everything i need it to do. But the arrive is a good device just a limited os in my view, so much potential though. thanks again
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