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AZTECHKA 10-22-2010 02:38 PM

Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL
Yeah... I heard the phone splits open like a sideways clamshell to expose the keyboard... Then the screen spins on axis with motorized servos while making the DROID sound so you can see the screen from within the clamshell. Then as it senses you begining to close the clamshell... The screen rotates back to it's original orientation allowing you to close the clamshell. There's no noise when you close the screen... Only when opeining it. The sensors and the chain drive for the servos are visible from within the clamshell via two narrow smoke tinted plexi glass windos on either side of the screen.
Ok... I made all that up TOO!!!

[sammich] 10-22-2010 03:00 PM

Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by AZTECHKA (Post 1979312)
Yeah... I heard the phone splits open like a sideways clamshell to expose the keyboard... Then the screen spins on axis with motorized servos while making the DROID sound so you can see the screen from within the clamshell. Then as it senses you begining to close the clamshell... The screen rotates back to it's original orientation allowing you to close the clamshell. There's no noise when you close the screen... Only when opeining it. The sensors and the chain drive for the servos are visible from within the clamshell via two narrow smoke tinted plexi glass windos on either side of the screen.
Ok... I made all that up TOO!!!

I fart in your general direction :toothy10:

kgnupe2 10-22-2010 08:44 PM

Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by AZTECHKA (Post 1979312)
Yeah... I heard the phone splits open like a sideways clamshell to expose the keyboard... Then the screen spins on axis with motorized servos while making the DROID sound so you can see the screen from within the clamshell. Then as it senses you begining to close the clamshell... The screen rotates back to it's original orientation allowing you to close the clamshell. There's no noise when you close the screen... Only when opeining it. The sensors and the chain drive for the servos are visible from within the clamshell via two narrow smoke tinted plexi glass windos on either side of the screen.
Ok... I made all that up TOO!!!

Yo your a hater but like I said the final design hasnt even been approved but the device has been requested and my source has no reason to lie because all of his info is not even final sprint has to approve a final design, but you believe what you want I hope and pray it happens because from my understanding wp7 is not coming with another keyboard device with sprint until 4Q so its wp7 pro or bust. So on to android, unless sprint has something up his sleeve.

bobturismo 10-22-2010 11:07 PM

Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by kgnupe2 (Post 1979571)
Yo your a hater but like I said the final design hasnt even been approved but the device has been requested and my source has no reason to lie because all of his info is not even final sprint has to approve a final design, but you believe what you want I hope and pray it happens because from my understanding wp7 is not coming with another keyboard device with sprint until 4Q so its wp7 pro or bust. So on to android, unless sprint has something up his sleeve.

That's what I kinda figured, they have no reason to release another keyboard WP7 phone for a long time. Not that I really want to wait for apps to boot back up just because I turned the screen off for a sec.

At this point, I'm holding onto my TP2 as long as I can until something better comes along. I may buy an Epic if 4G comes anytime soon here, but have no other reason to get another phone.

I'm curious to see what MS does with this "Big Update", which it sounds like it needs all ready. But at the same time, all these phones are running good with the old gen snapdrag, but what happens when they get updated or hacked for multitskng and whatever else, iPhone all over again?

As phones become more powerful PDAs, I need to use my laptop less and less. But with WP7 and this new Pro7, I feel like we're taking a step back.

kgnupe2 10-23-2010 06:01 PM

Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by AZTECHKA (Post 1979312)
Yeah... I heard the phone splits open like a sideways clamshell to expose the keyboard... Then the screen spins on axis with motorized servos while making the DROID sound so you can see the screen from within the clamshell. Then as it senses you begining to close the clamshell... The screen rotates back to it's original orientation allowing you to close the clamshell. There's no noise when you close the screen... Only when opeining it. The sensors and the chain drive for the servos are visible from within the clamshell via two narrow smoke tinted plexi glass windos on either side of the screen.
Ok... I made all that up TOO!!!

I guess im not the only one with an inside source and again i said his timeframes was off but this is really quick.
WOW looky here and i hear its msm8x55 and its testing.
XDA Exclusive: HTC Knight | xda-developers

update: its sprint version of the G2 so still waiting.

BlackDynamite 10-24-2010 01:21 AM

Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by kgnupe2 (Post 1979931)
I guess im not the only one with an inside source and again i said his timeframes was off but this is really quick.
WOW looky here and i hear its msm8x55 and its testing.
XDA Exclusive: HTC Knight | xda-developers

Update: screen size is 4.1 to 4.3 inches with a keyboard but its not approved for release yet its in testing but its not a 100% go for sprint as of today from my source, but , if this is released Im not getting wp7pro i offically jumped ship and must learn to live with android....dammit wp7 pro why cant you be a 4 inch keyboard, and why must you be the only keyboard releasing until 4Q. Oh well but it aint over until this device comes to light as in a release date.

xda says it's only a 3.7 inch screen though. If that's the case, nothing to get too excited about. Still better than this Win Pro 7 or whatever it's called, but not an Evo 2 Pro. Hopefully that's a different device on xda than what your source was talking about.

eric12341 10-25-2010 06:46 AM

Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by kgnupe2 (Post 1978419)
Now all you lovers of the device look at engadget and other websites and all of them are saying why did wm7 launch with an outdated chip, so I guess im not the only crazy person look at the reviews of all the devices with wm7 and a snapdragon the only constant with the reviews are why did they use an old snapdragon.

endgadget is critical of and bashes anything thats not an iPhone

eric12341 10-25-2010 06:52 AM

Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg (Post 1978898)
If we get an Evo 2 with tilting keyboard and dual core processor, I don't care what Win phone 7 does. I really hope that happens. If it does, my guess would be June, since that is when the Evo launched.

*MOD EDIT: Be respectful to your fellow members*

BlackDynamite 10-25-2010 10:33 AM

Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by eric12341 (Post 1980633)
you seem to really love your EVO. why dont you marry it? better yet why dont you marry and have gay sex with the person who made android?

pendejo cabron!!!

Now that was a pretty stupid post. Yes, I do like my Evo. I wish it had a tilting keyboard though, and the dual core processor would be nice too. The phone that guy was talking about sounded like the perfect phone.

Instead of making stupid posts like the one you made, why don't you go try an Evo for yourself so you can see why guys like me like it? If you think I'm the only one who likes his Evo, you're crazy.

wud_e 10-25-2010 11:05 AM

Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by eric12341 (Post 1980633)

WOW No need to get this thread locked because of ignorant post like this.

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