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Old 04-06-2011, 02:20 PM
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Micro USB Charger

Can I use any micro USB charger for this phone? Are all USB based chargers standardized to send the same voltage? If I already have a cigarette lighter adapter (motorola I think) with a USB power port on it, can I just use a micro USB cord with it?
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-06-2011, 03:50 PM
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Re: Micro USB Charger

Micro USB is a standard, so the pinouts and voltages are identical. Your charger may not be able to provide the same charge (mAh) as the Arrive's, but it won't hurt to try.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-07-2011, 10:58 PM
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Re: Micro USB Charger

My Wife has an old Samsung Exclaim micro USB wall charger and I am curious if it will charge my HTC Arrive. Below are the specifications of both:

Samsung Exclaim Wall Charger:
Input: 100-240VAC 50-60 Hz 0.15A
Output: 5V ------ 0.7A

HTC Arrive Wall Charger:
Model: TC U250
Input: 100-240V~200mA 50-60Hz
Output: 5V --------- 1A

The reason I'm asking is that I left my USB cable at work and cannot charge my phone and the battery is nearly dead. I don't want to fry my phone so I figured I'd ask the experts.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-07-2011, 11:02 PM
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Re: Micro USB Charger

Originally Posted by TexasAggie97 View Post
My Wife has an old Samsung Exclaim micro USB wall charger and I am curious if it will charge my HTC Arrive. Below are the specifications of both:

Samsung Exclaim Wall Charger:
Input: 100-240VAC 50-60 Hz 0.15A
Output: 5V ------ 0.7A

HTC Arrive Wall Charger:
Model: TC U250
Input: 100-240V~200mA 50-60Hz
Output: 5V --------- 1A

The reason I'm asking is that I left my USB cable at work and cannot charge my phone and the battery is nearly dead. I don't want to fry my phone so I figured I'd ask the experts.
honestly try plugging it in and see what happens what the worst that can happen it doesn't fit or it won't charge ..right now i have a motorola bt charger charging my tp2
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-07-2011, 11:12 PM
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Re: Micro USB Charger

With my luck, the worst that can happen is the phone catches on fire while I sleep. lol!
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Old 04-07-2011, 11:15 PM
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Re: Micro USB Charger

lol could be but keep ur fingers cross it doesn't ..
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Old 04-08-2011, 12:09 AM
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Re: Micro USB Charger

Originally Posted by TexasAggie97 View Post
With my luck, the worst that can happen is the phone catches on fire while I sleep. lol!
you will be fine, i charge my phones with whatever is laying around at parties/work.
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Old 04-08-2011, 01:26 AM
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Re: Micro USB Charger

Originally Posted by TexasAggie97 View Post
With my luck, the worst that can happen is the phone catches on fire while I sleep. lol!
Thankfully you don't have a Focus. Those guys have to sleep with one eye open now. JK, Reminded me of an article a couple weeks back.
Man’s Samsung Focus gets hot and bothered as it burns charger port, melts cable | BGR
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2011, 09:42 AM
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Re: Micro USB Charger

Well it worked and I'm still alive, not burned to a crisp! Thanks for the confirmation, it's good to have a free wall charger availible at home so I can leave my OEM USB charger at work.
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2011, 09:13 PM
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I used BlackBerry USB cables and wall chargers. I believe them to be of high quality and have the longest cords.
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