Official Personal OEMizer Thread
Personal OEMizer is a windows desktop application for use with Apache kitchens.
With OEMizer you can create an OEM with personal settings to include in your custom ROM builds, like your owner info, inbox settings, etc. Aside from being able to add registry tweaks, you can also import cab files for quick cab to OEM conversion. Usage: 1. Download and unzip OEMizer.exe to your kitchen\Tools folder. 2. Run OEMizer and set any options you want to include in your OEM. 3. Hit the "Create OEM" button to build the OEM straight to your kitchen. 4. Run buildOS and include your new OEM in your ROM. Any other questions or problems, please post here and we'll troubleshoot. You may want to check this thread first as your question may have been answered in earlier deveopment. Download OEMizer I also have other applications available on my website: http://tiermann.net You may also be interested in Tier Autoinstall which is a front-end for autorun.exe customizations. All links can be found in my signature. Reminder: Please look through your rgu files and initflashfile.txt before using a generated OEM. Importing cabs is not perfect yet, but it will give you a good starting point. ![]() Changes --1.3.8 -Fixed the problem with spaces in the folder name during buildDSM. --1.3.7 -Fixed cab importing that I broke in the last release. --1.3.6 -Added Tasks to exchange settings. This will only work if the server supports tasks. --1.3.5 -No longer uses cabLib.dll. It shells to expand.exe to extract/import cab files. This should fix 64bit compatibility. --1.3.4 -Fixes autoloading of settings. --1.3.3 -Added Help to dropdown menu in menubar. -Added help file. Also mirrored at http://tiermann.net/OEMizerHelp -Removed speeddial from Phone & Data section until I have a chance to look it over. --1.3.1 -Added option in Files&Shortcuts to add a Security\AppInstall RGU entry for each exe and dll on the list. Should fix "not signed with a valid certificate" problems some people may have had when running apps. -Fixed RGU errors when a reg entry has quotes inside of quotes. It now uses the proper \" for escape character. --1.3.0 -Fixed button mapping. --1.2.9 -Added speeddial to the Phone&Data section. (saves in oemizer settings and uses provxml) -Cleaned up "save" code to more easily add new items. --1.2.8 -Cleaned up the navPanel code to make it easier for me to add new sections. -Added "Provxml" section to the OEM Info group. You can add extra provxml entries there or drag n' drop a provxml into the textbox. -Drag n' Drop also supported for reg and rgu files in the "Additional Registry Entries" box. --1.2.7 -Fixed data disabling and added all the current carriers. (Uses provxml now) -Fixed today theme not setting on first boot for the most part. Still may not set sometimes but that's due to windows having a sloppy method of startup. -Added the ability to set sounds for events in Sounds & Notifications. (and yes, they save in your oemizer settings too.) --1.2.6 -Fixed error when importing a cab that has a "type" in it's setup.xml with fewer than 5 characters. --1.2.5 -Added Mail2Web/Exchange option for mail size. -Added Mail2Web/Exchange option for mail attachment size. -Added Mail2Web/Exchange options for note size (in contacts and calendar). -Added Mail2Web/Exchange option for sync frequency. -Fixed PIE homepage setting. Known Issues I'm Working On: --Not all settings are saved for the next time you run OEMizer. It's not a bug, it just hasn't been written yet. (most settings and even multi-line textboxes save now, so it's getting there) --Some registry settings converted from cabs are set as dword instead of hex. --Adding speeddial #'s doesn't seem to stick for first boot. Future additions: --Ability to set duration, enable/disable, etc for each sound --Alternate DNS settings for data connection.
Projects: (SlideSound) (Personal OEMizer (1.4.0 )) (TDial Designer (v1.1.1 )) (TierAutoinstall (1.9)) and more...
HTC Sliding Sound Control Panel replacement. | SprintTV on Mogul? ![]() Last edited by tiermann; 03-15-2008 at 10:02 PM. |
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