Soft reset or safemode diagnostics and debugging for lockups.
I am using Kirvin_CS_35_104_Sprint. I have been experiencing, and reading posts of others experiencing, lockups on soft resets. I do a backup every night because I like to tinker with apps. The backup function resets the phone. Sometime the phone doesn't boot. Is there an application, or is someone out there talented enough to create an application, that will log which applications starts as they start during bootup? Lets say you have 5 applications starting up on reboot. Like the today plugins etc. Before each application starts a log would be written to a file saying the app is starting. Then log when the app is done. Then the next app and so on. Sort of like how safe mode allows you to turn off apps on boot. But instead of turning them off it logs when they start. Then you could go to those logs and look at which app locked up the phone. Anything out there like this??
Another though,
HTC Home and WeatherPanel have been blamed for some of these lockups. Is it possible to create a notification that would disable these plugins first before anything else loads. Then loads everything and waits maybe a minute before another notification re-enables them. I am thinking that the weather apps might be trying to launch the data connection or something, before the services are ready. Maybe its a services dependency issue.