hey guys,
i just got a replacement 6700 spankin brand new out the box, well i was trying to install the new windows mobile 6.5, and i got a little head of myself, thinking it would be as easy as the wm6 i installed on my other phone. and didnt even think to look at the boot loader version number....needless to say ive been crawling the internet tryin to find a fix...no dice...ive tried the "noid exitbootloader"...nothin happenin..ive done the "uncheck" thing with the usb connection in the windows mobile device (it still tells me it cant connect)...still nothin...im using vista btw, and like i said, im just sitting here stuck on the "v0.32 serial" screen....

anything i can do, did i brick my new brick? and if not, wth can i do to fix it? OH, it also doesnt even pop up in the device manager when i plug it up either...nor does my old 6700...