Originally Posted by mattfenn
Just received my first pocket pc. I've done a few tweaks including installing Helmi's 3.5. I have a few questions.
1. Can someone list the common custom text codes? I want to use one each for missed phone calls and new voicemail.
2. I'm confused as to how to get the wi-fi working. I don't want to connect to my cellular network, just to wireless lan.
Thanks in advance!
in response to the wifi, goto the connections manger and turn on wifi, (start - programs - Comm Manager) then you just have to be near a hotspot. it will pop up and prompt you along if it needs any more input from you once it is connected. its as easy as connecting your laptop to a ne wireless spot.
I picked up a cheap DLink wireless router for my house so I could use the wifi option on my phone at home, works great.
I was also in London last month and seeing as US cell phones don't work there, the wifi option was a life saver... just too bad I didn't think to install Skype first (only got the phone a day before I flew out there)