Reccommended Custom Rom for non power user?
Ok, so my girlfriend's dad who would like to consider himself a tech geek and is a pretty smart guy, is just too old and too slow to have the patience for the constant tweaking involved with these phones. He saw mine when I got it and had to have one, so he got one, but he's been frustrated with the bugginess of it and I think it's time to upgrade him from the stock Sprint 2.0
I'm running the Big J custom 3.5 and I love it, but I think it would be a little much for him. He's going to need something that gives him plenty of local ROM (I don't think he even has a memory card), something that doesn't require much customization or post load registry tweaks. Basically something that I can just walk him through a boot load and will work, and be much faster/more stable than the stock sprint load.
Suggestions? Thanks!