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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2006, 12:37 AM
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battery life on ppc 6700

So is it possible that my phone could be using more battery than its supposed to? Yesterday i took my phone off the charge at 9, went to work, and had to take it to my car at lunch time to charge it because it was already at 20%. Could it be that I have shit reception where I work and that drains the battery? Normally it isnt that bad but I dont like having to consciencously be aware that every thing i do will rape my battery. is it possible my phone is defective?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2006, 01:01 AM
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if u are constanly swithcin from digital to analog roaming, that will drain it quick....

or if ur phone is constanly trying to get digital

u got the new rom??? is there any apps running on the background?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2006, 01:05 AM
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Make sure also that you don't have anything that autoconnects to vision. Apps like Agilemessenger, and the built-in inbox (if it's set to auto-connect), drain the battery fast if they're left on.

Also, like any other Sprint phone that I've had, if you're in area with crappy digital coverage, the phone works harder to maintain a signal. So if you're going to leave it some place for a while that has a crappy signal, I would suggest turning off the radio.
Currently Using [PPC-6700 with Windows Mobile 5]
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2006, 02:45 AM
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I have crap signal at work (0% to 36%, average about 18%) and run push email, 4 hour weather updates and verichat all day on a standard battery and rarely get below 30% after 10 hours.

You have something else going on...
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2006, 07:01 AM
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I found When I changed cases I got better battery life. the phone must have been getting turned on in my old case and I have my phone set to stay on for 3 minutes when on battery power. So make sure the phone isn't turning on in the case.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2006, 08:52 AM
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here is the solution to all your problems and this is from experience get rid of wisbar and phonealarm both are major and when i say major i mean major battery killers. i had another 6700 with those loaded and couldnt even barelly make it a whole day with the 2800mah mugen power battery. Got rid of that phone and decided not to install wisbar or phonealarm and now i can make it for a whole day and still have 80% left.... so there is the solution to ur problems.........
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2006, 10:28 AM
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My battery suck big time and I consider myself a light user. I have to charge it twice a day or it will die one me. A guy at work has a Cingular 8125 and he said he could go on without charge for 3 days. They both manufactured by HTC, go figure.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2006, 11:19 AM
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Originally Posted by wingzero
My battery suck big time and I consider myself a light user. I have to charge it twice a day or it will die one me. A guy at work has a Cingular 8125 and he said he could go on without charge for 3 days. They both manufactured by HTC, go figure.
Well, the 8125 doesn't have evdo on it and the radio has been shown to drain more battery.

I have to disagree with pzztgotbagz re: phonealarm. I'm a long time user and try all the betas and alphas out there and would notitce if there is a battery drain, in fact if anything it saves batteries if you setup correctly.

The biggest drain on batteries on the 6700 is wifi and the backlight. If you use wifi, make sure it's turned off (Phonealarm is good at doing this automatically, or at least visually alerting you to the fact via the skins).

Your backlight should be kept very low. Once again through Profiles, Phonealarm is good at managing this. So at "night" I keep my light very, very dim. Duing the day, brighter. At home, dim. I on average keep my backlight at 15%.

Make sure you "timeouts" are low e.g. the time for device turn off and before the backlight turns off. Have your backlight auto-dim after 30 seconds and device-off after 1 minutes. That way if your device "pops on", it'll shut off quickly. Once again, PhoneAlarm will manage these settings on a per-profile basis.

Don't have emal auto-sync every 5 minutes the whole day! If you need better battery life, consider longer times or just sync manually.

And although everyone tells you turn "beam off" and don't use BT both have been shown to use very little battery life (in the case of "beam off" almost none in the 1st place).
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2006, 12:25 PM
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Re: battery life on ppc 6700

Originally Posted by BelligerentOC
So is it possible that my phone could be using more battery than its supposed to? Yesterday i took my phone off the charge at 9, went to work, and had to take it to my car at lunch time to charge it because it was already at 20%. Could it be that I have shit reception where I work and that drains the battery? Normally it isnt that bad but I dont like having to consciencously be aware that every thing i do will rape my battery. is it possible my phone is defective?
i have the same exact problem but since i work on a computer (im actuallly at work right now) i just take my usb cable and charge it on the comp. i have no service inside my office but when i go out side i have service. so i just turn it off when im inside.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2006, 12:53 PM
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Just curious, Malatesta, are you getting your percentages from an app or are you estimating by your signal bars?
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