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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2007, 10:56 AM
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HTC Touch today plugin working?

I keep seeing people posting with this nice looking and functional plugin.
Has anyone gotten it working for an Apache?
I found the download for it at FreewarePocketPC.net, but all the comments indicate it isn't ready for prime time.

Is anyone working on this? Is it possible?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2007, 11:00 AM
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Only works on WM6 ROMs so far. There's a thread over at XDA that has all of the HTC Touch files (audio manager, phone dial pad skin etc.)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2007, 02:54 PM
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argh I just typed a long post and accidentily hit the back hard key and deleted everything lol. don't u hate when that happens?

i'm on page 46 of 76 of that thread. i'll update this thread as more is found out, but so far, here are the programs that work from the HTC Touch:

(im using AKU 3.3)

HTC Dialer: cuter than blue stock dialer, more smartdialer options, yet I noticed a slight lag.

HTC Audio Today Plug in: similar to WM11, but slightly less buttons. I don't like the today screen plug in, play button is too small. also it seems u need the stylus to go into options. you have an option to play music through wm or htc audio manager

HTC Audio Manager: works and is listed under programs. a bit bulky, I couldn't justify over 1.2 megs of storage space on my rom ever since the youtube program came out (and I noticed that files download quicker to ROM than the storage card, even though its 80x). this program will search your handheld and storage for any music (without asking). I like color of theme but couldn't justify the slowdown and space.

HTC Home screen Plug in: so far this is the plug in everyone on wm5 wants but, hasn't gotten to work yet. on page 24 or 26 someone suggested renaming a .dll from .0409 to .0404 (or something like that), another user changed it (and the remaining programs that ended in .0409) to .0407, meaning he must have tried a few without success. the problem is you must do a soft reset after each rename, and entering the Windows directory now takes about 20 seconds, on top of an increase in phone reset speed (my device used to take 25-40 seconds to boot, now 40-65). I've managed to rename a few but haven't had success, yet. the Mogul beta testers are lucky, tho, as they have gotten it to work. seems like a wm6 program, so far. i'll keep everyone updated if theres any news.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2007, 03:58 PM
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well, made it through all 76 pages. as colonel noted in the HTC dialer thread, the HTC home page plug in does not work on any apache's. the .0409 renaming was due to the keyboard code layout. I'm not sure what the apache is set to in north america but I doubt this is the problem.
on the other hand, towards the end of the thread at xda developers, they mention someone is working on the "cube" from the Touch and getting it to work on their devices. should be exciting time for mogul owners.
btw the touch dialer I mentioned before, as colonel says in the dialer pad post, the smartdialer stops working after the 1st call comes in/out. so its still buggy, at least on wm5 from what I can see.
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