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  #71 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2007, 08:20 PM
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wow, to many questions for me to answer on my break but, I am also amazed that soooo many questions that have been answered are being asked. I almost hit the ceiling with that "my phone wont vibrate" bull$h!t. RTFM stand for READ THE F'in MANUAL. I am amazed you guys dont read the faq before flashing your phones.... seriously.....


-Regarding wisbarlite OEM & logo.png
search for the logo.png file and decide wich one you want to keep, this is ALSO in the instructions that were posted with the kitchen. Try reading the Kitchen Walkthrough that I spent the better part of my life on ><


-arcsoft mms version supported error
You should not be receiving that MMS error with arcsoft. That error was resolved when i reverted back to the 30624 version of the program. The updated one 3.5xxxx something threw that error.

It also helps if you share some information such as which ROM you are running and if you messed with any of the settings


-vz mms used to not need a phone #
RE picturemail not needing a phone number key in the past for verizon, that is because the CAB file i used to have you guys run would query the phone and put the key in for you automatically, this one has no CAB file so it requires that you input that key manually. It may or may not be neccessary as peoples mileage has varied on if having that key throws an error or not.


-Dont fck with arcsoft settings
Its best to stay OUT of the arcsoft settings lest you risk fubar something in there, it works right out of the flash as if it were part of the handset, save the vz phone number bs, which may or may not even be neccessary anymore.


-Regarding UPX OEM packages
A large majority of my files are UPX, if they are not, its because I tried it, and it didnt work properly afterwards. I toggle between UPX 2.92 and 3.00 - 3 gives me better compression, but 2.92 has more options, so when something works funny with 3.0 compression, i use 2.92 and sometimes that allows the application to work properly.


-Pictures as wallpaper from the SD Card a known issue?
are you high? no its not a known issue, you have a screwed up picture. Resize it in photoshop or something to 240x320 and if you want it to landscape properly do it in 320x320


-issues with receiving text messages
There is no issue, are you sure you flashed the correct carrier ROM onto your handset? You may want to double check that you hard reset the device as a soft reset after a flash causes REALLY weird stuff to happen


-safemode error on bootup & the "vibrate not working"
Hey dumb@ss, read the post... hell skip the post and read the README.txt included with the ROM you downloaded, you can even NOT read both of those and OPEN the folder included with the ROM you downloaded and figure it out. Please stop wasting my time, and those that come to my thread to help people out when I cant get to everyone right away. Also refer to sentence #1 at the top of this post.... here i know you skipped it so let me paste it in here for you as well... it says; and I QUOTE

RTFM stand for READ THE F'in MANUAL. I am amazed you guys dont read the faq before flashing your phones.... seriously.....
The FAQ is that BIG HUGE THING WITH ORANGE WRITING at the bottom of the 1st post that says



-Regarding WiFi HitchHiker crashing.
It seems to be a running problem with this application. When it was integrated into the ROM before users were complaining of the same type of crash issues (the program not the phone). I noticed in my own experience that having the WiFi ON before I opened the program stopped it. I would also CLOSE the program before shutting off my WiFi in the Comm Manager. I hope this helps, if the app proves to still be unstable, i may remove it from the build. If you also have any other suggestions for a good WiFi application that does what this one does, im all ears. Thanks for the feedback.


-Hard to follow ROM and KITCHEN issues.
Im noticing, if it keeps up like this, ill recreate the thread, one for ROM and another for the KITCHEN. this is pretty ridiculous, ESPECIALLY because people are asking me general kitchen questions and NOT specific questions that pertain to my adaption of the kitchen (its annoying guys, RTFM) i wrote a nice guide. For example if you need an OEM.... MAKE IT YOURSELF or ask somewhere else. I have a full time job, a girlfriend, a family, and starcraft to play! AND i wrote a wonderful guide that will walk you through step by step how to do it. and for those of you who have not noticed... EVERY program i talk about in the guide, is IN the /TOOLS/ folder for your convenience. LIke i said on page 1... just look around, spend some time with it, everything you need is in the archives i supply, i dont half-@ss my releases.


-Bluetooth explorer not working... no wait there it goes
I to have noticed the application to be quirky right at first. After i got it working the first time, its blazingly awesome program. Just hiccups the first round or so of use. Glad you got it working. Thanks for the feedback.


Sorry if i got on some people today, i just get fustrated when I dont see some in-duh-viduals using the tools I have provided, and that the forums provide to solve their own problems.

I do appreciate ALL of the feedback that I receive and in the end it does make for a better product for this community. Keep in mind however, when i have to spend time answering questions i have already answered a dozen or so times, it actually SLOWS down the process of me figuring out the problems and getting them resolved for the next release.

Thank you for bearing with me, and for trying out my ROM, and for the feedback you guys present to me so we can get the best flash in existance for our handsets.

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  #72 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2007, 08:24 PM
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Originally Posted by JBabey

-arcsoft mms version supported error
You should not be receiving that MMS error with arcsoft. That error was resolved when i reverted back to the 30624 version of the program. The updated one 3.5xxxx something threw that error.

It also helps if you share some information such as which ROM you are running and if you messed with any of the settings


I am using the threaded sms program, if there is another program that is already on here i apologize i didnt know, what might that be? I am using ur latest rom and have not changed any settings....thank you.... also i have noticed that i cant link to active sync since i have installed the latest rom, does anyone else have this probem? thanks

Last edited by elosogrande7076; 09-08-2011 at 02:26 PM.
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2007, 09:03 PM
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Originally Posted by elosogrande7076
Originally Posted by rfletch12
Originally Posted by elosogrande7076
First off this rom is incredible.....i cant say thank u enough.....plus u gave us the kitchen......*sheds a tear*.....the only thing that i can find wrong (and its possible that the cause is user error) is the mms.....i tried sending some pics via mms and i keep getting the same error message: "Message Could not be sent. Unsupported message format (0x8 Operation failed! Version cannot be supported" I call myself reading all things in the .rar folder and thru out this thread and i couldnt find anything on this.....any help is greatly appreciated. also just so i know what to expect and am not lookling for a mircale....when the mms is working that means u will be able to send and receive picture mail from ur phone(as well as view the picture mail from i.e. i know that was a problem b4).....thanks
Are you using the "threaded sms" app to send mms? if so it won't work. That app even tho it has the ability doesn't work on our apache's with Sprint or Verizon. You'll need to use the Arc Soft MMS app for pictures etc. If you got this using the Arcsoft app, my mistake.

Yea i was using the threading sms.....thats good to know....where can i get the arcsoft app from and so when i get it i will be able to send and view pics from my phone? thanks for ur help and quick response
In the kitchen put a check next to BigJ MMS Picture Mail
It's on their by default so u may have it installed. go into the regular outlook mail program and move your jog stick to the left. you'll see mms 0 down at the bottom. move your jog stick again and u'r back in the email section.

Once in the MMS hit new at the bottom, and select "new pix" or "new flix" message
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2007, 09:07 PM
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i bet it is the scaler aswell. luckily J's last 1.6u ROM i used that program with no problems.
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2007, 09:50 PM
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ok J take a deep breath - I am doing my best to deflect and answer the ?'s that we all know are a waste of your time. Let me and the other helpful guys do our best, and try to close your eyes so as not to be tempted to answer the dumba$$ ?'s ur doing a good job so far lol.

I have had 2 DSOD type lockups in the 1st 24hrs of running the stock Verizon ROM. I have nothing running on today screen off the card (duh). BOTH times I have gotten the DSOD the screen has incoming call bubble up, however it did not ring, and the phone is locked, cant even open phone app.

Lastly, IE hangs. Opera works fine.

It is taking about 2 soft resets (in a row) on avg to reset the above to normal.

Ideas? Am wondering if this is the high cache sizes? U think de-tuning them to 2096 might help? or something else?
verizon 6700
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  #76 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2007, 09:55 PM
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Originally Posted by elosogrande7076
Originally Posted by rfletch12
Originally Posted by elosogrande7076
First off this rom is incredible.....i cant say thank u enough.....plus u gave us the kitchen......*sheds a tear*.....the only thing that i can find wrong (and its possible that the cause is user error) is the mms.....i tried sending some pics via mms and i keep getting the same error message: "Message Could not be sent. Unsupported message format (0x8 Operation failed! Version cannot be supported" I call myself reading all things in the .rar folder and thru out this thread and i couldnt find anything on this.....any help is greatly appreciated. also just so i know what to expect and am not lookling for a mircale....when the mms is working that means u will be able to send and receive picture mail from ur phone(as well as view the picture mail from i.e. i know that was a problem b4).....thanks
Are you using the "threaded sms" app to send mms? if so it won't work. That app even tho it has the ability doesn't work on our apache's with Sprint or Verizon. You'll need to use the Arc Soft MMS app for pictures etc. If you got this using the Arcsoft app, my mistake.

Yea i was using the threading sms.....thats good to know....where can i get the arcsoft app from and so when i get it i will be able to send and view pics from my phone? thanks for ur help and quick response
In the kitchen put a check next to BigJ MMS Picture Mail
It's on their by default so u may have it installed. go into the regular outlook mail program and move your jog stick to the left. you'll see mms 0 down at the bottom. move your jog stick again and u'r back in the email section.

Once in the MMS hit new at the bottom, and select "new pix" or "new flix" message[/quote

once again thanks for the quick response. i followed ur directions and was able to send the pics but when i tried to open it in i.e. i wasnt able to view them. Is there a fix for this or something that cant be done....thanks again for ur help

Last edited by elosogrande7076; 09-08-2011 at 02:26 PM.
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  #77 (permalink)  
Old 06-13-2007, 01:16 AM
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Originally Posted by fitbryan
ok J take a deep breath - I am doing my best to deflect and answer the ?'s that we all know are a waste of your time. Let me and the other helpful guys do our best, and try to close your eyes so as not to be tempted to answer the dumba$$ ?'s ur doing a good job so far lol.

I have had 2 DSOD type lockups in the 1st 24hrs of running the stock Verizon ROM. I have nothing running on today screen off the card (duh). BOTH times I have gotten the DSOD the screen has incoming call bubble up, however it did not ring, and the phone is locked, cant even open phone app.

Lastly, IE hangs. Opera works fine.

It is taking about 2 soft resets (in a row) on avg to reset the above to normal.

Ideas? Am wondering if this is the high cache sizes? U think de-tuning them to 2096 might help? or something else?
this reminds me a TON of the issue that happens when the SD card decides to go nuts. If you pop the card out does the phone resume normal operation? Also, how did you restore your contacts, in rare cases (even in my store) we get that with certain numbers because their entry in the address book is corrupt. You may want to run PIMBACKUP (contacts backup), delete your PIM.VOL, and then restore them into the empty one after a soft reset.

keep me posted please, this is the first ive heard of this specific issue.


-RE not being able to see picturemail
You should just be receiving an SMS notification with a URL link to the picture. Tap the link and IE should open and bring you to the page. If this is not happening can you please run me through duplicating the issue, and also take some Screencaps (screen shots) of the issue and post them up so i can take a look.

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  #78 (permalink)  
Old 06-13-2007, 01:23 AM
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Originally Posted by fitbryan
ok J take a deep breath - I am doing my best to deflect and answer the ?'s that we all know are a waste of your time. Let me and the other helpful guys do our best, and try to close your eyes so as not to be tempted to answer the dumba$$ ?'s ur doing a good job so far lol.

I have had 2 DSOD type lockups in the 1st 24hrs of running the stock Verizon ROM. I have nothing running on today screen off the card (duh). BOTH times I have gotten the DSOD the screen has incoming call bubble up, however it did not ring, and the phone is locked, cant even open phone app.

Lastly, IE hangs. Opera works fine.

It is taking about 2 soft resets (in a row) on avg to reset the above to normal.

Ideas? Am wondering if this is the high cache sizes? U think de-tuning them to 2096 might help? or something else?
this reminds me a TON of the issue that happens when the SD card decides to go nuts. If you pop the card out does the phone resume normal operation? Also, how did you restore your contacts, in rare cases (even in my store) we get that with certain numbers because their entry in the address book is corrupt. You may want to run PIMBACKUP (contacts backup), delete your PIM.VOL, and then restore them into the empty one after a soft reset.

keep me posted please, this is the first ive heard of this specific issue.

Thanks J. It smacked of SD card issue to me as well. When I remove the card and insert, the incoming call bubble does not go away. Ive never seen that behavior with a DSOD error ever. In both cases it was a # that was not in my contacts. I backup/restore via Intellisync. Did u get the cab I sent over via PM? Any luck with that reg entry? I will keep an eye on this, and see if I can find a common denomenator.
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  #79 (permalink)  
Old 06-13-2007, 01:39 AM
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you wouldnt happen to have left the call firewall on ?

oh and yes, i got the intellisync, that is the most NIGHTMARISH cab file i have ever laid eyes on, I dunno if i can figure this out, may have to do a reg dump pre and after install to see what the hell its doing ><
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  #80 (permalink)  
Old 06-13-2007, 01:41 AM
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Originally Posted by JBabey
you wouldnt happen to have left the call firewall on ?
Negative. I opened that program, looked at it, and exited. Never used. I thought about this and phoneweaver as well. Looked at that too, but never used. I thought either of these could have been a culprit - can or do they turn themselves on ever?
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