Originally Posted by wingzero
So Malatesta I havent had time to try out memmaid but I have heard nothing but good. Do you find it helps clear memory, or is it just stuff I can do on my own like clear temp files and such?
Everything that MemMaid does, technically you can do on your own. And it doesn't do anything more than SKTools can do.
There is one reason that I love MemMaid. Besides the main application there is a secondary one called "QuickClean" which just runs and deletes all the files you want (e.g. temp files, bad registry, notification duplicates and custom directories for things like Opera's cache). This secondary app can run after or before a Soft Reset, or what I do...map it to a hardware key! That way, when I'm getting low or just want to do..well a quickclean, I just triple tap my button 5 and it runs and cleans it all.
(that and I bought MemMaid 2 years ago for my Axim...so I already had a key
However, SKTools has a built in RAM cleaner that frees up your ProgramMemory which is pretty sweet. Takes about 2 mins to run but it can give you back about 2-4mb of Program Memory, which is nice. That too you could map to a hardware key. SKTools also tends to pick up a few more things than MemMaid (registry cleaning) but it's more involved to run.
So that's why I like both...