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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-28-2008, 04:47 PM
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Radio Issues...I think...

Here's a problem that's stumped me for over a month now...

I bought a 6700 off ebay (advertised as a sprint phone). When I got it, turns out it was flashed to cricket.

I got the stock Sprint ROM and reflashed the phone. When I hit *2 though, it still said "welcome to cricket." So I manually installed the latest PRL. That seemed to fix it - at least now it said "Welcome to Sprint" when I dialed *2.

But when I swapped ESNs and activated the phone, it couldn't send or receive calls - except to Sprint Customer Service (I could talk to them just fine!). Every other call I tried to make gave me a "your account could not be validated" recording.

So I began to use this phone as my "test kitchen," playing around with the various builds - and something odd happened. I flashed to 20755 and suddenly I had no radio! I thought maybe I'd figured out my problem - the phone needed a new radio (or the thang had just gone pfffft...).

So I installed the 1.45.00 radio repack. Radio's now back, and I can still talk to Sprint Customer Service, but no one else. Doesn't make sense to me - if I can dial out to them, the radio's obviously working...so what's the hold-up??

Anyone have any ideas? Sprint swears up and down that the phone is activated. I took it in to a store for a tech to look at it, and honestly you guys, every one of you knows TONS and TONS more than those guys do!!!! (in other words, no help there. They swear the phone's not fixable).

I just don't buy that - but am cluelsss as to what I might be missing. Are there any files that the stock ROM won't automatically overwrite that might still be "pointing" to cricket?

Also, when I dial ##akey# (or any of the other codes) it goes to the EPST screen and asks for an unlock code. I had always assumed that meant the 6-digit unlock code Sprint gives you to activate the phone (e.g. MSL) but on this phone it doesn't work. Any links to a tutorial on how to solve this?
[EDIT: I've already searched here AND googled it. I've tried the code that GetSPC generated, as well as the one generated by the convertor at http://www.elfqrin.com/esndhconv.html . Nothing works. So please don't think I'm a *completely* brainless n00b... ]

thanks...LOTS...for any help or suggestions....
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Last edited by laithis; 11-28-2008 at 07:39 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2008, 01:33 AM
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Re: Radio Issues...I think...

what do you mean that you "swapped" esns? I dont think that is possible. And it sounds like your phone is suffering from an identity crisis. So when you load the stock rom, what bootloader version do you wind up with? and what PRL? have you tried calling sprint support to FLAG for auto prl? maybe your manual load didnt actually take properly. there is a wide range of possibilities. Stick with the stock radio though... 1.27... believe me, I have played with them all and you dont want those problems.
[ edufur ]
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2008, 01:54 AM
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Re: Radio Issues...I think...

You need to have a stock WM5 ROM to use unique MSL. Make sure the ESN in ESPT is the one you have activated unless it's cloned.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2008, 01:29 AM
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Re: Radio Issues...I think...

Originally Posted by edufur View Post
what do you mean that you "swapped" esns? I dont think that is possible.
Sorry, that's a phrase we toss around a lot over at SprintUsers. Basically that means you can sign on at Sprint.com and activate a different phone by entering its ESN and following Sprint's programming instructions. It's all automated, which makes it easy to "swap" to another phone if you want to use a different one for a while. My husband uses his Apache on the weekends and his Katana most weekdays (until I get him trained, that is .

And it sounds like your phone is suffering from an identity crisis. So when you load the stock rom, what bootloader version do you wind up with?
Hmm.it's been a whil;e since I loaded a Sprint stock ROM on it That's worth checking into. Though if it's 1.00 *after* I use the kitchen to load 20755 with my selects, I cant imagine it's be anything elsse on WM5....

and what PRL? have you tried calling sprint support to FLAG for auto prl? maybe your manual load didnt actually take properly.
I thought about that, and used the "search" function here (tah-dahhh!) to read up on the latest Sprint PRL. I loaded it and voila! Suddenly the nice lady wasn't saying "welcome to cricket" any more. But still no-go on calling anyone but the folks at *2. I did ask them to push me an update. Next time I called in, I got the nice "Sprint is updating your phone..." but it never seemed to successfully complete the update Still says that every time I dial *2.

there is a wide range of possibilities. Stick with the stock radio though... 1.27... believe me, I have played with them all and you dont want those problems.
Honestly, I upgraded to 1.43.00 out of sheer despweration - and because I was out of options that I had tried Didn't seem to hurt the phone, but I still can't talk to anyone but Sprint....

Thanks for your comments, though. They were good cautions.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2008, 01:30 AM
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Re: Radio Issues...I think...

Yipes, PDA - I never considered the phone had been cloned.......
Any way I can tell? And no matter what I try, I can't get past that EPST screen.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-29-2009, 09:41 PM
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Re: Radio Issues...I think...

Originally Posted by laithis View Post
I thought about that, and used the "search" function here (tah-dahhh!) to read up on the latest Sprint PRL. I loaded it and voila! Suddenly the nice lady wasn't saying "welcome to cricket" any more. But still no-go on calling anyone but the folks at *2. I did ask them to push me an update. Next time I called in, I got the nice "Sprint is updating your phone..." but it never seemed to successfully complete the update Still says that every time I dial *2.
They can't push your update because your MSL has been changed. Since it isn't the default MSL, their system can't get authorization from your phone for the update. Guarantee that's why. I went through this once. You DON'T want the details.
For the love of God, SEARCH before asking!
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