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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2007, 09:12 PM
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Incoming texts

Is there any reg edit to increase the length of incoming texts.. when I get a text that's too long I don't get anything at all. and the person sendin the text doesn't get a notification that the text didn't go through


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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2007, 10:29 PM
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hmmm that's weird. It doesn't do that for me, if the txt goes longer than 160 characters, then i get it split into 2. I even got one that was split into 4 different txt. They all came in fine for me. When i send txt that is longer than 160, it gets split as well.... haven't had any of that prob. Has ur phone always done this?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2007, 10:30 PM
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text size is regulated server side at 160 characters. if messages are longer then that, the phone splits them up automatically.

thats strange you are having that problem.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2007, 11:14 PM
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May need to reflash the phone, doesn't sound right at all.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-25-2007, 11:43 PM
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Ok so here's my story:

I had a lot of stuff on my phone so i did a hard-reset. Nothing new there, done it once before. But once i did the hard recent i updated my radio from here http://www.ppcgeeks.com/upgrade-to-r...-41-t6663.html to 1.41 (i had 1.10). Then i did the *22899 to update my PRL. Both the upgrade and the update went fine. The phone works fine and everything but now, when someone sends me a txt that is longer than 160 characters, instead of it coming trhough as 2 txt, it just doesn't come through at all. This all happened after the upgrade and update. So i went to here http://www.utstar.com/pcd/phone_down...zon%20Wireless and download the AKU2.x fix app. Now my radio is bak to 1.10 but i'm still having the same prob. If the txt is under 160 then it'll come through just fine, but if it's over, it won't come through. I can send txt no matter how big or small it is, and the other person will get it fine. I can even get mms.

Does anyone know a fix to this? Trife, i c that u have/had the same prob. did u get it fixed, if so wat did u do?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2007, 01:05 AM
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Originally Posted by tvith
Ok so here's my story:

I had a lot of stuff on my phone so i did a hard-reset. Nothing new there, done it once before. But once i did the hard recent i updated my radio from here http://www.ppcgeeks.com/upgrade-to-r...-41-t6663.html to 1.41 (i had 1.10). Then i did the *22899 to update my PRL. Both the upgrade and the update went fine. The phone works fine and everything but now, when someone sends me a txt that is longer than 160 characters, instead of it coming trhough as 2 txt, it just doesn't come through at all. This all happened after the upgrade and update. So i went to here http://www.utstar.com/pcd/phone_down...zon%20Wireless and download the AKU2.x fix app. Now my radio is bak to 1.10 but i'm still having the same prob. If the txt is under 160 then it'll come through just fine, but if it's over, it won't come through. I can send txt no matter how big or small it is, and the other person will get it fine. I can even get mms.

Does anyone know a fix to this? Trife, i c that u have/had the same prob. did u get it fixed, if so wat did u do?
When I get my new 6700 I will have to flash the rom and radio and see if I can get the same problem to come up, As I rarely have txt's that are over 160... (my GF keeps em short and simple) although Ive sent out tons of divided msg's in two parts before, with no issues...
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2007, 05:58 AM
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i upgraded my phone to "Hetal-PPC6700-Radio-1.41" and also using Palm Threaded SMS with no issues at all..

MM 6.5.x OF 05/01/10

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2007, 10:23 AM
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If I get a text over 160 it splits fine, but when I get an email to my ###@vtext.com it comes through as a text but the message isn't split. It wasn't split before I flashed, and none of the roms I have used ever splits these. If there is a way to do that it would be awesome, but I'm not aware of any....
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2007, 05:38 PM
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Originally Posted by zenak
If I get a text over 160 it splits fine, but when I get an email to my ###@vtext.com it comes through as a text but the message isn't split. It wasn't split before I flashed, and none of the roms I have used ever splits these. If there is a way to do that it would be awesome, but I'm not aware of any....
Yea i think when u send txt from e-mails it's not capable of having more than one single txt anything over the first txt doesn't come through. I think it was like that before as well, i just forgot about that. But IDK if i'm still having the prob. or not. I was talking through txt from 11am to 4pm (long story lol) and there was a few txt that she send that were over 160 characters and it did come through. SO i went bak to my sis phone and tried to resend the txt that was 160+ characters and it still didn't come through. so wat the hell is that about? The girl i was talking to is on Cingular and my sis has verizon like me. I guess i'm just gonna let it run for a few more days and talk to everyone through txt to test it out.

Is there a way to check if i'm having prob. w/ my txt other than having people txting me. Perhaps a prog. i can run that test my phone to insure everything is working prob?

Again..idk if it's fixed or if it's just that girls phone that was able to send 160+ but i'll check it out and come bak in a few days w/ an update. Oo i'm still runing the AKU2.x from the UTStar site.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2007, 08:17 AM
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I think the sending phone has to break it into two messages for it to split. Notice that our 6700 does this for us, so we can send more the 160.
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