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Old 05-02-2007, 11:42 AM
Raging Idiot's Avatar
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Another Raging Idiot bright idea... (ConceptPhone) part3

In part1 I discussed possibilities of splitting keyboard from display.
In part2 I discussed possibilities of my ideal today screen. http://www.ppcgeeks.com/another-ragi...rt2-t4434.html

Today... ladies, gents, transvestites, hermaphrodites, cyborgs, and cyborg wanna-be's, I'll be discussing the ideal programs that haven't yet been created (or known about).

So feel free to post any feasible ideas that start with "wouldn't it be nice if there was a program that could..."
Or if you happen to know of a program that already does something mentioned here then please enlighten. Thank you!

I can only remember a couple that I was thinking about recently, but will add more as they come to me... I had about a dozen ideas originally but then came to find most had already been accomplished! Perhaps these as well, but likely not with all the extras. Feel free to add your own ideas or improvements...

1. StarNavigator- A GPS enabled star map. This would be a real-time star mapping program that would have the stars and constellations mapped out and pinpointing each star name as well as planets and satellites, and including a directional compass. This would auto-update depending on your GPS location and time.

2. Mobile Alibi- A program that once launched will stream audio and video and gps coordinates to a given destination. Potentially a call center could be established for legal verification purposes of identification of who you are and where you are currently at. An alibi of sorts.
Otherwise, just a centralized data warehouse could collect the data to be used later if necessary. One such use could be for people on probation, while another use could be for child custody issues.



sh*t I can't tell any more of these possibilities...off to programming I go... I've got a couple of d@mn good ideas that are so freakin' simple you'll all wish you thought of it first!

I'll leave #1 up because I think I seen something similar to this before (although not accurate nor as advanced), and I'll leave #2 up because it is along the lines of what I had written about a few years ago in regards to helping fathers maintain their custody rights when mothers weren't being prosecuted when they violated mandated visitation schedules. With this proposed system there will likely be better cooperation between both parents.
I've known many fathers fighting for child custody whom would have benefited from having a method to prove that they had the child the majority of the time. For instance, the courts try to maintain the status quo, and if there is a little evidence that one of the parents has been maintaining the majority of the custody time then it is likely that they will become the primary custodian. This is a HUGE impact on many many life altering decisions- as well as who will have to pay Child Support.
It could work like this, first the parents split and live in different residences while they await a pending (or potential) divorce. Every time the child is transferred to the other parent their time/location is noted through the given program. A schedule would be plotted showing the events transpiring and later submitted to the court to show who maintained the majority of custody time for the last several months. The status-quo is rarely disrupted by a judge.
Potentially the other parent's reactions can be recorded for behavioural analysis / evidence.

If a call center was to be established around this idea, then in certain circumstances it could later be mandated by the court that every time they hand over the child that they would have to click a button (within this program) and let it stream the audio/video/gps of the transaction.
Also, for the parents that are violating the schedule set forth in their existing divorce decrees - it will establish that the other parent was at the given place at the given time and that the transaction did NOT take place- thereby giving evidence of the violation of visitation.

It basically takes the "he said/she said" out of the equation, because the evidence will literally speak for itself.

So yeah, fellow programmers and anyone else wanting to change the custody battlefield to something more honest than it currently is, take heed.
As this idea has some legal complexities- it is likely necessary for a bit more rewriting and considerations, but I'm just airing out some thoughts to potentially be built upon. It certainly gave me some ideas to move forward with, and hopefully for someone else as well.

-side thought:
*It would be very beneficial to have during any potential time you think you might be framed for something you didn't do.
Say for instance someone is getting violent but you don't exactly want 911 involved because it might not become a problem, but you would like a witness that you are just trying to leave. You run the program and it starts streaming the data to the third party.... so later when the other person calls the cops as you are leaving (or after you left) then you can compare evidence and show you weren't even there when they made the call....and/or that the events didn't take place the way the other person stated... and that you were aware of their mentality which is why you have this program to protect yourself from such abuse of the system.

This differs from a regular video recorder in that (if works as envisioned) it would have an indisputable time-stamp, along with an indisputable gps coordinates, along with the fact that it would be sent off location - so that even if someone threw your phone in a fire the data would still be retrievable. And perhaps the program could be taken a step further and have an emergency button that would request someone to take action - potentially redirecting to 911.
Microsoft, Helmi_C, No2Chem, NexVision, tiermann, Colonel, gguruusa, luv2chill, imcokeman, jakdillard...many others. Thank you. We are all on shoulders of giants.
What's in a name? That which we call a genius by any other name would be just as smart.
I beat up Sprint and all I have to show for it is this lousy
When you were in diapers and wetting the sheets I was out hacking with the ppcgeeks.
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