Originally Posted by runt
Originally Posted by zenak
I've had a few issues as well. My wireless connectin has disappeared once or twice, and a few random freezes, nothing major. My biggest complaint is that PIE is unusable, I can't check my gmail, or even wap.espn.com. It just closes itself out on almost all web pages. Sometimes a soft reboot lets me in, but often it doesn't. I ended up installing Minimo, but that app is awful, so I've flashed back to 1.3 beta 2.
i run PIE+ and i have no problems with it. i wonder if its because i bought PIE+ and am not running on an expired demo.........
Possibly, but it works fine in the earlier versions. I think it is a user agent setting, because when GMail does display it does so as if it were a full browser, and not PIE. I like the smaller text version on my phone, not the full HTML. Same issues with my webmail at work not showing in PDA form, and wap.espn.com. I've tried the normal registry entries, but I can't fix it in 1.6. 1.3 beta 2 is rock solid, and always shows the pages, never crashes, etc.