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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-18-2007, 10:37 AM
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Help on updating!


First of all, I want to say this is the best site for the xv6700 across the internet.

I've been using my xv6700 for a little while, and have been happy with it. I am looking to do some updating on the ROM, but have hit a deadend. So far I have tried a few compiled ROMs listed in the sticky.

Apache Aku 3.5 Verizonguy Beta2.1 (Verizon) seems to be the best as far as being able to boot up goes. I've tried a few other Verizon ones, like Colonel's Custom 3.5, my 6700 would not even boot.

Anyhow, I have the most success with Verizonguy's 3.5 B2.1, but with the following problems afterward:

1) When I go into the contacts, the screen would flash the normal contacts screen for a split second, then it would go back to the main screen. In order words, I cannot get my contacts screen to show up at all. I noticed this problem when I flashed with other precompiled-ROMs as well.

2) The internet sharing program icon is there, but it always shows it as "disconnected", even though I have connected it to my laptop via USB.

3) ActiveSync on my laptop always gives an error saying there is some memory problems with hexdecimal error code. Therefore, ActiveSync does not work after the update. (any of the updates I tried as well).

If I can't get the AKU 3.5 working with internet sharing, is there a way to get my Wmodem file linked back to the programs menu on the stock ROM? I am running a newer OEM Verizon ROM, and they removed it from sight even though it is still under MyDevice/Windows.

I have done a lot of reading on here (a little too much I might add), and have not found a solution to these seemingly very simple problems. I have it now reflashed back to the 2.0.7 OEM ROM from HTC (Verizon's version) with my contacts working. However, I really look forward to the AKU 3.5 soon with USB DUN, and better stability and performance.

Thanks all in advance!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-18-2007, 11:20 AM
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Ok, the first problem you have is it sounds like you did not hard reset after flashing or tried to backup your pim or run a backup software. That is the reason for your contacts flashing. You cannot run backup software as reg and pim is different between aku 2.x and 3.x. Also, verizonguys rom hasnt been updated since he uploaded it. Therefore any fixes that have been incorporated are not in that rom. Which of colonels 3.5 did you run, cos he has one for sprint and another for other carriers and i can say users like rocoloco, kdoweb, computercarl, etc (who are on verizon) have been able to install the rom with no problem. Click on the chat button in the forum a little after midday and somebody will be able to better guide you through your problems. I can verify that internet sharing, activesync and many other apps now work fluently with the 3.5 roms.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-18-2007, 12:24 PM
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To create a new shortcut to wmodem go to File Explorer, look in \Windows for wmodem (there will be multiples so pick the one that shows as size 24B (or something-B). Hold down on it with your stylus and choose copy. Then scroll up and go to the Start Menu folder. Once in there, go to the Programs folder. Then go to Menu (the bottom right softkey) then choose Edit->Paste.

As for your other issues, I suspect it's because (as naigaboy said) you are using a very outdated ROM that was never completed. If you are working OK on AKU2 for now then you may want to sit tight for a little bit until we get the unified ROM out--it has a lot of bug fixes in it and will become the basis of most peoples' custom ROMs.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-20-2007, 02:29 AM
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Thank you!

Yeah, so the problem was related to a AKU2 PIM not working with AKU3.5. I moved the AKU2 PIM out, and sync'ed with my laptop, low and behold, I have my contacts in 3.x PIM now. I don't know how that happened, but my contact works again! I am more than happy.

As for the internet sharing program, I managed to get it to work as well. The setup is now super smooth to work with. Hit connect on internet sharing, hook up the usb cable, that's it! My laptop is alive via the PDA almost instantly!

AKU3.5 is the best!

There are still a few minor issues that I will have to come back on, but for right now my XV6700 is doing so much that I could only have dream of a year ago. I love this thing!

Thanks again to Verizonguy's ROM, and you guys' continuous support!
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