Re: 2D manilla on apache?
how many themes did you add? what exactly are the video fixes? you need your own thread for this, people might be missing out thanks for your hard work |
Re: 2D manilla on apache?
Has anyone got this to work on the Apache with 20755 build? I had version Manila 2d v10 working on Helmi's and then I upgraded to 20755 and installed version 11 and I got the tap to launch loop. I then rolled back to v10 on 20755 and it works fine. Anyone else had problems with v11 on 20755?
Re: 2D manilla on apache?
I am using the 19b Version with the Helmi build and everything is working flawlessly. I could not get the 20755 build to download through Updater so I gave up.
Edit: Except for my location in Weather but I can get the default locations. |
Re: 2D manilla on apache?
I installed the 19b version on my PPC 6700. Seems to work nicely except... I can not add any programs or people. When i hit the buttons in order to add they seem to "click" but doesn't pop anything up to select what to add. Also all of the settings dont respond. I click on them and they do the same thing as the people and program buttons. I'm running the 20755 build. Any other information I should add that might help? Thanks
Re: 2D manilla on apache?
Used Maxx134's 19b OEM with the 20755 build and it's awesome. Fast and smooth. I didn't need to screw around with the page pool or anything either. The only problem is I stayed up for about three hours last night trying to get the weather for my city to work and it never did but it's all good. I can't complain because this thing is running so well.
To Maxx 134 and everyone that contributed: Thanks for all your hard work!! To Maxx134: You should definitely open up your own thread for this. Also if it's not too hard, try and get it officially added to the kitchen. It'll be easier for all the newbies like me. |
Re: 2D manilla on apache?
Re: 2D manilla on apache?
Hard reset, use. soft reset, sync. |
Re: 2D manilla on apache?
Remember this is just a modified OEM of the latest hard work over at: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=398173 EDIT: LAST POST PAGE 11 FOR OEM which works best so far on Apache. I like the idea of posting it, but the OEM is not ready for posting at PPCkitchen site yet because I didn't have time to add video fix yet. I am worried that adding it may be a little too much for the Apache. I find that this manila works best when you have over 11megs free program mem. Users having different performance issues due to what else they put in kitchen. Kitchen is best way as Apache does not run well with cab installs. I would also like to change clock arms to blue, but the main issue is we need to keep this OEM size down for Apache. That is why I omitted the Youtube and other files. I would like to give credit/mention this post : http://www.ppckitchen.org/forums/showthread.php?t=5 FOR the idea for me to update and refine an OEM for the Apache. I started with this and the "manila fix" to get it to work, but was a little too much for Apache. The Main thing about my OEM is that it is small enough for the Apache to run decent, with latest files. There is also a large new OEM out there for other devices. EDIT: I tested and does not work on Apache even with fix cab... http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=25696 which has "OEM_MegaPack_Manila2D_OEM_v2.14" which uses same updated files, but much more loaded for other devices that have the mem space. I apply any other programs as cabs, like the manila 2d customizer here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...hlight=manilla Just Remember that when you play with themes you are loading up your Apache more files that "may" affect performance. EDIT: Also, all versions HTC Task manager behaved funny for me(with execption of ver Task_Manager_2.1_34837.5), so I always go back to O2plus for task manager. Last edited by Maxx134; 10-26-2008 at 11:29 AM. |
This post has been thanked 1 times. |
Re: 2D manilla on apache?
I would probably never have gotten this to work properly if not for your work. you took the time and effort and it is appreciated. |
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