Originally Posted by Jesus Treviño
I have purchased an alltel 6700 from ut starcom, I just wanted to know if I need to unlock it or something? or if I just need to activate it at my local area on another company... thats not going to be a problem, but after the rom update the phone seems to still have the alltel signal, is that normal?
This device cannot be unlocked. Sry. You will need to likely have it activated with your local carrier but do you have Alltel in Mexico? After the flashing of the ROM it is normal to still have the device recognize Alltel because that is what it is still programmed to do. I know we have ppl come through from time to time saying they are from Brazil and so forth and use it there so maybe you can too.
Originally Posted by Jesus Treviño
I'm from Mexico guys and I'm planning to activate that phone here, so I found somewhat weird that after the flash the phone still has the Roaming signal from Alltel.
Again, the phone is still programmed to look for Alltel towers and so forth
Originally Posted by Jesus Treviño
also I want to know if I can remove the External Rom Unlock tool and how to.
Are you wanting to remove to tool or the Ext ROM? Check Add/Remove Programs for the tool and do not delete/remove the EXT ROM.