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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-15-2007, 02:02 AM
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how to open ppc 6700?

Please help! my phone got wet and i need to open it to dry it. Could someone please put a step by step guide so that i can open my phone and blowdry it
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-15-2007, 10:03 AM
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Re: how to open ppc 6700?

Originally Posted by ffx15
Please help! my phone got wet and i need to open it to dry it. Could someone please put a step by step guide so that i can open my phone and blowdry it
Do not blow dry that phone. You will fry the chips, circuit, etc. Just leave it off, take the battery out, memory card if you have one, and let it air dry. occasionally shake it like a pair of pants to let the water out. Give it about 12 hrs, turn it on or plug it back in (might actually need a new battery). Once on you will still see water marks but they will completely disappear after a couple days, you also will not be able to use touch screen initially. I am totally speaking from experience, army guys playing putt putt golf where they have pools is dangerous for your 6700. A bunch of us fell in and i thought that was the end of the 6700, but it came back to life the next evening, and i am still using it no problems. Happened last october. The phone is pretty resilient if you treat it right.
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Hey Brian, Its been 24 hrs, Got my money?
Stop playing with me man.
This what happens man.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-15-2007, 02:11 PM
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Definatly dont blowdry.
If you want to open it up its pretty easy.
first remove the battery cover and battery
remove the two phillips directly above the battery bay (one should be covered by a little white dot.
next there are two T6 screws at the bottom of the battery bay.
peel off the upper cover (theone with the camera lense in it)
under that cover is on phillips that holds down one of the boards and two t6 screws which secure the rest of the case.
use something to pry the back cover off start at the bottom than work around the sides.
Almost done. there is one last phillips in the middle on one side.
slide the screen out to the side, unhook the connector cable in the lower left side, remove your data card if you have one. you should now be able to remove the board from the phone housing. be careful of the little balck slider that connects to the volume slider.
there is one more cable to remove on the other side of the board its covered by by some tape. once thats removed get some denatured alchol or gold contact pen and clean the board especially the connectors. hope this helped. there are also some vid online that show exactly what to do. I'll see if I can find one for you.
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