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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2007, 06:02 PM
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Can someone confirm this as being current VZ 6700 ROM for me

I'm trying to line up my ducks as it were and just want to make sure that I have located the original and approved VZW ROM for a new XV6700.

This is what I found after seeing a link to an original Sprint ROM.

I just want to be able to go back to "factory" issue (or in this case VZ store issued).

Here's what I found from the UTStar site:

It's from the download pages at UT.

If I bork a ROM install here somehow, can I use the above to get back to the state my 6700 is currently in? (I've not installed anything I care about keeping so far.) Are there secondary VZW apps/setting that the above will NOT take care of?

Any help is appreciated!

EDIT: I'm unable to post urls due to the new member regs so the I removed the links. If someone knows the page I'm talking about and can look at that file without too much trouble, I'd really appreciate it. I don't want to just randomly post about stuff to try to bypass the new user reguslations so if I have to wait, I can do that too.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2007, 06:08 PM
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i have done this several times, kinda a newbe too. its easy. the file from UTStarcom will make it like you just bought your phone if you want to revert back
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2007, 06:13 PM
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Thanks a ton! I'm pretty fearless with my work hardware and home computers as long as I know I can get to square one (even when square one kinda blows!).

I just use this thing (and my iPaq previously) all the time and the idea of not having my PDA/cell phone working even for a day is a bit uncomfortable due to some "special needs" that I have (I'm a high functioning autistic and can't recognize a face to save my life along with a few other quirks that the PDA works around).

Thanks again. =) Sorry for not being able to put the links in, I would normally do that.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-15-2007, 09:08 AM
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the only real issue that i am having a problem with is i cannot figure out how to get flix messaging to work. pix works...but not flix. im gonna go back to 2.2 until i can get this fixed or an official release. good luck though
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