Need SDDaemon back in Clean and Simple 3.5
Hello, I am wondering if anyone knows which files are needed to get the SDDaemon working a clean and simple rom. I only need the sddaemon working so it will properly close the audio gateway after each call.
I use MS Voice Command but without the sddaemon running on startup I lose audio after every other call. So now I have to call everyone twice.. once to reset the audio buy hanging up immediately and the second time when I actually have audio. I noticed this on the 3.3 rom when I had removed the sddaemon so I just put it back in startup and everything was great again. Now with Kirvins clean and simple I need to find all of the files that the sddialer needs for the sddaemon to run. I tried the three obvious ones but I must be missing some.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.. maybe there is some other solution that is better than sddaemon that I am unaware of. I just know that right now I am so fed up with my phone its almost been broken a few times. I dont want to go back to 3.3 but for my phones sake I should or it may end up in pieces.