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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2008, 08:05 AM
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Broken screen, replaced, now white only

I dropped my PPC 6700 and cracked the screen. It still worked fine though except I could not see what I was doing. There was still some color on the screen.

I replaced the screen last night and now it's just all white. When booting it flashes and gets brighter, then loses some of its intensity. Is the problem that one of the two ribbon connectors is probably misaligned? I did not disconnect the ribbon from the front keypad, just the one to the screen and the one to the keyboard.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2008, 08:08 AM
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Re: Broken screen, replaced, now white only

My thought would be the same as yours. I would go back inside and check the connections and cables.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2008, 09:24 AM
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Re: Broken screen, replaced, now white only

I have an extra ribbon cable from a parted out 6700. If you want to try a different cable as well. Just pay shipping and its yours.

Originally Posted by iansinger View Post
I dropped my PPC 6700 and cracked the screen. It still worked fine though except I could not see what I was doing. There was still some color on the screen.

I replaced the screen last night and now it's just all white. When booting it flashes and gets brighter, then loses some of its intensity. Is the problem that one of the two ribbon connectors is probably misaligned? I did not disconnect the ribbon from the front keypad, just the one to the screen and the one to the keyboard.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2008, 02:36 AM
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Re: Broken screen, replaced, now white only

I took it apart for the fifth time and rechecked all the connections. Where the ribbon cable from the LCD attaches it does not push in but rather there is a latch that needs to be released before it is inserted. Once I re-checked that one the screen I ordered out of China works fine.

I did break the tang off the volume control switch though. Are they available anywhere, and can I de-solder and re-solder without SMT equipment. Looks like it would be a pain. The phone is not hooked up to service but as far as I know everything else is OK with WM6.1 installed. Is there much of a market in its present condition?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2008, 11:15 AM
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Re: Broken screen, replaced, now white only

The volume switch has (or in your case, had) a tab that sticks out that allows the outside slider to push the volume up or down. Its very flimsy and easily broken off. The thing to watch for is when you re-assemble the 6700, make sure the outside volume slider is in the center (the volume control on the motherboard is centered). If outside slider is not centered when you snap the motherboard back into place, it will break off the tab.
This does not affect the function or use of the device (you can use the screen volume slider) but makes the outside slider useless.

As far as replacing the slider control on the motherboard, I have not seen were you could by this new. One could try de-soldering the broken unit but when I look at the part on the board, it looks to have 7 tabs for soldering. And they are all very small and the 4 on the top/bottom of the unit are very close to some very small pieces...and they may take to well to the heat of your solder gun. My suggestion would be not to worry about it. Too risky if you ask me. Unless you have some very high end soldering equipement, I would not attempt.

Originally Posted by iansinger View Post
I took it apart for the fifth time and rechecked all the connections. Where the ribbon cable from the LCD attaches it does not push in but rather there is a latch that needs to be released before it is inserted. Once I re-checked that one the screen I ordered out of China works fine.

I did break the tang off the volume control switch though. Are they available anywhere, and can I de-solder and re-solder without SMT equipment. Looks like it would be a pain. The phone is not hooked up to service but as far as I know everything else is OK with WM6.1 installed. Is there much of a market in its present condition?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2008, 04:28 PM
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Re: Broken screen, replaced, now white only

What abiut cleaning the contacts that the ribbon cable atteces to?

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2008, 11:32 AM
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Re: Broken screen, replaced, now white only

iansinger: Is your screen fixed then? R you asking about selling your 6700 with the broken volume slider?

psxmoe: You can use can-o-air to blow any dust out of the contacts. I have had issues with dust in the contacts and blowing a small amount of air at the contacts seemed to work (also cleaned the flex cable contact area with alcohol wipe as well).
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2008, 11:57 AM
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Re: Broken screen, replaced, now white only

Originally Posted by PPCFreak View Post
iansinger: Is your screen fixed then? R you asking about selling your 6700 with the broken volume slider?
Yes is fixed and was asking about how marketable it is. Its CDMA from Telus but presumably would work on other CDMA networks that accept the ESN. Has charger base but NOT USB cord, AC charger, stylus, CD, and cigarette lighter adapter. No leather. Running Wows Mobile 6.1
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2008, 12:42 PM
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Re: Broken screen, replaced, now white only

It's good on any carrier that doesnt do ESN blocks. Sprint, for example, buys blocks of ESNs and will only activate those ESNs. Verizon will pretty much take any CDMA phone.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2008, 04:48 PM
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Re: Broken screen, replaced, now white only

Originally Posted by PPCFreak View Post
psxmoe: You can use can-o-air to blow any dust out of the contacts. I have had issues with dust in the contacts and blowing a small amount of air at the contacts seemed to work (also cleaned the flex cable contact area with alcohol wipe as well).
Just got to love that trusty can of air.
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