Are you using a theme.ini file for iGuidance, or are you starting iGuidanceQVGA with the "nowarning" parameter? I'm using the Stock 3.5 for any Apache ROM (Kirvin's ROM) and running iGuidance 3.01 just fine. When I plug in a destination and hit "demo" it switches to full screen and navigates fine.
An issue very much like this has been hammered out on pdaphonehome.com for awhile; I'm trying to figure out if it's the same problem or something new. |
In my case, it does not make any difference or with or without theme.ini. It just crash.
For the large program lockup issue, I noticed after I open messaging application then close it, the NetFront 3.3 application will hang. I do not have attachment stored on the sd card. |
Decided to go back to 2.06
I tried the HELMI_Apache_3.5_KITCHEN_PPC-GEEKS_r1.2-pre2.rar as suggested. iGuidance still crashes. PocketOutlook still blocks Netfront from lanuching for whatever reason. In some cases, clicking a program get no response, no error, nothing open. WM5Torage become unreliable. GPSGate and WM5Torage conflict with each other. Bluetooth GPS session breaks when power off, has to restart bluetooth after power on again. I finally gave up AKU3.5. It may be stable for other users. But not for me. I decide to go back to 2.06. It's slower but at least everything functions.
Try Kirvin's ROM. I had a pleasant surprise the other day (maybe I was dreaming this but...) while using iGuidance 3.01 in an emergency without a power cord plugged into the 6700, the 6700 shut off after my 1 minute timeout. When I turned it back on I cursed a bit because that always means I have to go back to settings...bluetooth and turn it back on, then wait for the GPS to talk to the 6700 again, etc. - well I'll be danged if GPS lady didn't chime right in with the next turn before I even hit the start button. So it appears that the BT signal wasn't completely lost/dropped/whatever during my suspend. That's new to me from Kirvin's ROM.
As for your other issues, it sounds like you've got some "utility" software running. WMStorage, GPSGate, etc. - this is exactly why I abhor ROMs that bundle in a whole bunch of utilities. Utilities do things, read things, change things, and they can interact with one another in strange ways. Who knows what's causing the issues, but I'd start really clean, then add your *must haves* one at a time and see how things go. Maybe then you can nail down the culprit. iGuidance 3.01 does work fine as naigaboy and I have both said. I used it to nav in the car the other night without issue. So there is something else on your machine that we don't have that is causing your crashes. |
Iguidance 3.01 crashes as soon as it gets the new position (5 seconds) for me, running BigJ's AKU 3.5 Mario version 9.3 of March 8. I removed batti from startup, rebooted. I went back to the windows default theme. Still crashes. (Mind you, however, that BigJ's themes and pictures are all heavily modified.) Where is the theme.ini file? I searched using resco explorer and came up empty. Deleting it, if it existed, appears to be my last option? Please help. Jack EDIT March 16 2007: I solved the problem with some help from others. See here.
... running BigJ's v1.2h home brewed rom
I downgraded to 2.06. I found out Netfront3.3 lockup issue is not AKU3.3 specific. For whatever reason, GPSGate2.5 and PocketOutlook can block Netfron 3.3 from launching. NetFron3.4 TP seems fine. But I still think iGuidance crashing issue is AKU3.3 or 3.5 specific. I do not even use any theme. No other application installed, but it just crashs.
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