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  #221 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2007, 05:01 AM
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And if you read my reply, you'll see that point is completely irrelevant. An official Verizon ROM can easily be converted into an unofficial Sprint ROM. That said, Sprint is still more likely than not to release the update themselves.

And finally, as I said before you dusted all this ancient material up, I'll have a real-time answer next week, so just sit back and catch your breath... you could use a breather after all that futile old info.
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  #222 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2007, 05:19 AM
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and, if you had read MY reply... all the words...
you took an official verizon release, and in turn, produced a statement that it would result in an UNOFFICIAL sprint version... that was my post, and therefor it is relevant.

The idea that there will not be an official release from sprint is what I said from the beginning. After many posts telling me I am wrong, you now come full circle and repeat my exact words.

I do not find insults or attacks, even against my screen name (lame), to build any credibility for you. It is also a poor response to someone presenting LOGICAL arguments, opinions, and ideas. I can make a news website, easily, and tell you that you are flat out wrong... however I would not dismiss logic, and I would not brag about knowing everything about the issue while the real answers have yet to unfold. After all, you will see my opinion is correct.... in a week that is.... UTStarcom will not realease an official update for Sprint PPC-6700. So over the week, undust my ancient material and see if Sprint opts for an update release.
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  #223 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2007, 05:48 AM
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I'm just a nobie here but this is kind of like watching your parents fight. "Great now I'm gonna need more psychotherapy"
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  #224 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2007, 08:18 AM
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This used to be such a pleasant thread. Recently, arrogance, attitude and overbearance has been introduced by a newer contributor (even though I respect his long-time involvement in the industry); not just this thread, but a few others. Forums are based on free speech, but . . . ?
We all love info-just give it without defense or need for validation.
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  #225 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2007, 08:02 PM
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Originally Posted by psychotic
Originally Posted by 1oddmanout
Even with the bugs (none of which I've experienced), i keep using this ROM; stable. good battery life, lot's of free space. Jeff, don't give up the ship-keep up your good work; thank you, I appreciate it.
The rom is great.... my post was intended to give the EXACT same message... "keep up the good work."!!

As far as I know, no improvements have been done to this rom since release. If you look at other 3.5 roms, work has not stopped... in fact I believe Saridnours AKU 3.5 Rom is now on its 5th release, with new updates/bugs fixed in each release. I just don't see why I get a quote about a monk and not wanting problems when other people understand that fixing a known bug is not the same as asking for 0 problems... even 2.x has its own problems... the phone itself has problems... but when they are known and some people have the power to fix them... I don't think it hurts to make that request, in fact I wasn't even requesting that Jeff take his time to fix it, just anyone that is nice enough, has the time and knowledge. I am not saying sar's rom is better, or else I wouldn't be using Jeff's... I was simply seeing if someone(ANYONE) could come up with a fix to these problems.
Okay, let me see if I can say this clearly enough.

1. My ROMs are unsupported. If it works for you, great. If it doesn't, build your own. Mine are based on Shawn's PR2 kitchen and something like the "clean and simple" build takes about 15 minutes to make. Really. It seems harder than it is. If you can drag and drop folders and double click a batch file, you can cook a ROM.

2. The issues you mentioned are being fixed in the official project ROM, so it would be redundant effort to try to fix them in any other build.

3. The official project ROM is not released yet, nor are ROMs based on it allowed to be distributed until release.

4. Therefore, the fixes you want are coming, but you're gonna have to wait.

5. If you can't wait and you can't live with the quirks in the current ROMs, you can always go back to the Sprint official AKU 2.0.

What part of that is unclear?
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  #226 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2007, 09:29 PM
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did you not see me mention sar has updated his to a 5th release? stop trying to come back with a response to a post that does not ask for a response from you. thanks

also, telling me to go back to 2.0 comes off as an asshole statement, considering my post is based on improving what is already available... not living with them, but fixing them... why is so hard to understand?
Obviously I am living with the bugs.... that doesn't mean I can't put out a post asking if anyone is willing to fix them..... you are not willing, therefor the post is not directed towards you jeff.
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  #227 (permalink)  
Old 03-24-2007, 11:56 PM
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Wow what this thread has become... ok enuff of whatever is going on. Back to business!!! so.....

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  #228 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2007, 02:26 AM
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que pasa, cant we all get along
No more Oil field work, yay me!

Trying to get a job as Technical Consultant, Service and Repair at a Sprint store in El Paso, Tx Wish me luck
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  #229 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2007, 04:59 AM
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Is anyone else having problems when trying to load another theme? Everytime I've tried changing to another theme, it keeps on defaulting back to the orginal default one.

Just to add to that, I'm able to use the Crossbow theme with no problems, but any other theme I try it always defaults back to the Windows default theme.
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  #230 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2007, 12:23 PM
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Originally Posted by pdx77
Is anyone else having problems when trying to load another theme? Everytime I've tried changing to another theme, it keeps on defaulting back to the orginal default one.

Just to add to that, I'm able to use the Crossbow theme with no problems, but any other theme I try it always defaults back to the Windows default theme.
i am not having that trouble, but if you did just load this rom up i would suggest a couple few 5 soft resets. thats what it took for me to come out with any probs
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