You need a true developer (i.e. someone who can write code in C++) who has an interest in doing this ($$ or actually has an apache and wants the functionality himself).
It is really not all that difficult. You basically need an app that is always running and have it watch for certain key codes. When it sees 0xF2, light the left LED until the next key press (that is shift). When it sees 0xF1 0xF2, then light the left LED until seeing 0xF1 0xF2 again (that is caps lock). When it sees 0xF1 then light the right LED until the next kepress (that is alt), and when it sees 0xF1 0xF1 then light the right LED until it sees 0xF1 0xF1 again (that is alt lock).
There is an app for the wizard (capnotify.exe) which I speculate does something similar (it does not work on the Apache, to save you from asking). Instead of using the LEDs it puts a small C or dot to the left of the SIP--which is even better in my opinion. I like the lights as-is (I'm an old Nextel user so I am used to the green blinking service light), and furthermore, messing with the lights also messes with the phone's vibration function (they are intimately related for some reason). But it would be a nice option for those who do want to use the LEDs in this way.
I have tried approaching a couple of developers in the past with this project but they were not interested (or did not respond). Does Blade still have an Apache? This might be something he could do.