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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-21-2007, 10:50 AM
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Custom Rom Builder Burnout...

Originally Posted by verizonguy
I just spent the last 14 hours completely building a brand new kitchen from helmi and imcokeman's previous work just to read the last several pages of you ungrateful people b***h and moaning.

I just uploaded the kitchen and will leave it there, but you know what? For those of you that couldn't give me the couple of days I asked for to intelligently relay how the fixes were implemented, kiss my a$$.

For the rest of you, good luck. I'm done.
Sorry to see you flame out like this... ditto the colonel.

Both of you have done a lot of work that many of us are grateful for, even if we never used your ROM builds. However, this is very typical of 'the internet' - you need a thick skin to work with a bunch of folks you've never seen, while supporting a bunch more folks who really are only interested in what they want (and I don't mean that in a bad way to all you 'rom consumers')

My desire in all this has always been threefold
(1) push the knowledge envelope - it's just fun to tinker with stuff just for the heck of it - I already tinker for money, and a project I do just for fun is that much better
(2) help other people - sometimes I can figure something out first. Rare, but still nice when it happens
(3) learn from how other people crack a problem - yep, still a student at 45

I have no interest in building a ROM for other people, which is why I was so happy to see Helmi_c's kitchen come to the Apache - this way many people could build what they want, and others could possibly benefit as well if they picked up prebuilt roms.

Recently folks have gotten a little demanding on the consumer side of the prebuilt rom equation, and the cookers/tinkerers have been less effective then they could have been in working together, and sharing their results. It sucks, but it happens. Part of the rush of 3.5 is how much better it is, but on the downside there are still some problems. Likewise, the rush of getting your apps into rom is great, unless you're not up to building it yourself and you have to ask others to make it just the way you want it.

Hopefully everyone can take a little breather and come back at this fresh, and we can all work together on moving ahead with this crazy fun activity.

As always, thanks to all the folks working on the kitchen, working on OEMs, Helmi_c for creating it and giving it away, and wideawake for giving us this place and staring the whole custom ROM mess The more formal development effort looks promising, hopefully we'll all be able to join in there and get the last kinks worked out.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-21-2007, 11:25 AM
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I've got to agree - you guys deserve a big thank you from the entire community. Sorry to see you have such a bad feeling after trying to help so many.

Hopefully, you guys will be able to take a break and come back re-freshed to do what you seem to enjoy doing!

Thanks again,
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-21-2007, 11:28 AM
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This my first post here. I have been lurking for a while and have been enjoying the custom roms that have been provided.

I feel that is necessary for me to say thank you everybody for providing these customizations to us. I am getting more out of my phone than ever before. I was always running out of space and only running the bare minimum of what I really wanted and needed. Now after using the Colonel's different custom roms I have been able to utilize the various apps and discover many more that I didn't even know where out there.

I realize the hard work that has been put in. Just flashing and reflashing then putting all the settings back is a lot of work.

I hate to see people getting burned out and frustrated. There is however a new thread that has been started and organizational ideas being thought out by a good group of people. I can only hope that this continues and will try to provide any assistance that I can to help the effort.

thanks again,

M2 Maynard
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-21-2007, 12:16 PM
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VerizonGuy, Colonel, and EVERYONE who has provided all the help here,

a very sincere THANK YOU!

If you never do anything else here you have still done more than most ever will.

That being said, I personally hope that you will help in some way with the proposed organized build system. You have done so much, and have knowledge that few have, it would be a shame to not have that go into the next levels.

That being said, I won't blame either of you if you do nothing further - I believe the project will move on with, or without you.

Thank You for getting us to this point - and we all hope you bring your experiences to the table.

-Mike- (yes another one)
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-21-2007, 12:29 PM
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verizonguy don't give up just chill out, take a break, come back all refreshed and ready to go. All yall have to do is PM me when any issues arise or if u need something. Like suggested a locked ROM builders only forum that users can read but can't post. Just ask guys and don't be scared.
Please read this before posting.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 02-21-2007, 01:37 PM
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To those that have harassed our beloved ROM builders: I hope you understand through all your selfishness that YOU have caused crap like this to happen. Your self centered begging and whining didn't get you that magical ROM that is perfect for you. It is however driving away the hard working people who devote their own personal time to the cause. GOOD JOB!

Edit: Mike why don't you just implement a new policy. In ROM threads allow only posts that are related to bugs/troubleshooting/other issues and of course kudos to the guys doing the heavy lifting for the rest of us. Let people know that app requests are not welcome and will be deleted by mods. Repeat offenders can lose their ability to post.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 02-21-2007, 01:40 PM
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It's pretty simple and Im not real sure why people are getting upset.

First off everyone that Ive seen fully appreciates what has happened here so why everyone is crying about not being appreciated is really absurd.

At one point in time we needed Custom built ROMs but that time is past. What we need is OEM's for the Kitchen but instead all we get is the ego inflating ROM builders that want "public appreciation" more than the personol appreciation that they currently get. If thats what you want fine but you need to get over YOURSELF first.

If you don't want to contribute thats fine but why the need to cry about it publically? Ego trumps common sense once again
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 02-21-2007, 01:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Despiser
It's pretty simple and Im not real sure why people are getting upset.

First off everyone that Ive seen fully appreciates what has happened here so why everyone is crying about not being appreciated is really absurd.

At one point in time we needed Custom built ROMs but that time is past. What we need is OEM's for the Kitchen but instead all we get is the ego inflating ROM builders that want "public appreciation" more than the personol appreciation that they currently get. If thats what you want fine but you need to get over YOURSELF first.

If you don't want to contribute thats fine but why the need to cry about it publically? Ego trumps common sense once again
Very negative here aren't u sir? That's not why the ROM builders are ticked. Hell we get plenty thanks. I myself should be the only one that feels this way because I was the first to get a groundbreaking custom out. And do I still receive thanks no (sometimes granted) but I don't care! I'm glad I got this whole revolution started. I do it for the love and passion....not for the thanks or the "ego trip". I hope that everyone realizes ppl do this for fun...not because we have too. So I say ignore the "dummies/flammers/shit starters" and do what u want!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 02-21-2007, 02:00 PM
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Well, I don't really see it as that - I could care less about the specific builds, but each of these guys has made good headway resolving some of the outstanding issues with 3.5, and those are very important to document, capture, and roll up into the One Kitchen To Rule Them All.

In my mind, right now the custom builds are a distraction when people call for this or that feature, but at the same time all those users are good drivers to spur people on to fix all the nits that could just be worked around/ignored if you were making a rom for yourself.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 02-21-2007, 02:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Despiser
It's pretty simple and Im not real sure why people are getting upset.

First off everyone that Ive seen fully appreciates what has happened here so why everyone is crying about not being appreciated is really absurd.

At one point in time we needed Custom built ROMs but that time is past. What we need is OEM's for the Kitchen but instead all we get is the ego inflating ROM builders that want "public appreciation" more than the personol appreciation that they currently get. If thats what you want fine but you need to get over YOURSELF first.

If you don't want to contribute thats fine but why the need to cry about it publically? Ego trumps common sense once again
I believe your one of the people my above post was referring to. If this is what you really think then you either haven't read enough here (I and many other have seen way too much harassment) or you need to get over YOURSELF not the other way around. The work done here is on a VOLUNTEER basis. Maybe if you weren't so busy being a jerk you would understand that.
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