Or, is there a way to scroll the same in Opera? Volume slider for page and dpad for link. I suppose either solution would meet my needs, but I would like Opera a little better.
You can use the small program "smartskey" to do this. It turns the volume slider into a page up/page down, where as the dpad continues to go from link to link.
The OEM kitchen version of smartskey is on the ftp under apache/kitchen oems/smartskey If you aren't cooking your own rom, then just take the two files in the smartskey folder and put them in your windows directory. Once you run the program 1 time, it will automatically start at startup. Other features include holding the right softkey to really close programs, while the left softkey drops down the "start menu". The dpad also gives options when in phone mode (previous call history, etc.)
Try the program, you will love it, and it should help you with your browser issue.