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Old 04-12-2008, 12:22 AM
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Best ways to speed up your 6700

I just want everyone to know that this community does an amazing job at helping one another out and pushing the limits of this mobile phone platform. However, with all the posts I read, all the hacks I try... there is something missing. The amount of work that goes into something like the kitchen is amazing, and even how much goes into compiling the comprehensive list of hacks for the phone. However I have a suggestion for another such similar list on a topic that seems to be over looked..... Speeding up the 6700. With all the hacks, programs, and tweaks; there is nothing that says, "Do this to speed your phone up and make it run faster!" So that is what i challenge everyone too, Bring forth your BEST 6700 speed up hacks and share them in one place. Hopefully what comes out of this is a list of ways to simply make a great platform perform faster without having to reflash it over and over again.

When listing, please stick to a format similar to "Why use this hack/tweat" followed by "how to do it."

For the reason of clarification and to start the program off, here I list item number 1:

Slow text entry?, Dropped letters while typing? For maximum speed: Turn off word suggestion, capitalization, and auto correct
Start -> settings -> input -> word completion tab:
uncheck “Suggest words…..” ; “Enable Auto Correct” ; click “Clear Stored Entries”
under “options” tab: uncheck “Capitalize first letter of sentence”
Also, if you have a program like “PPC6700 Hacks” (in the latest kitchen I believe), there is an option for “Glyph Cache”.. the default value is something like 16384; Double it to 32768.
If you do all that… you’re words should fly as fast as your fingers can go!

Thanks to the big hitters for all their great work!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-12-2008, 06:02 PM
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Re: Best ways to speed up your 6700

I have previosly posted the MOST complete list of all WM5 hacks/tweaks available including those of which will speed it up by ajusting several caches.

However, to fully go a step further you need to overclock your PPC by using a 3rd party app. I use Pocket Hack Master and I went from 416 to 520 to 624 and there is a big difference. PM me for more help/details.
Loving my rooted Droid X
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