[Version] Signature = "$Chicago$" CESignature = "$Windows CE$" Provider = "TomTom" [CEStrings] Appname = "Navigator" InstallDir = "\" ; (\) [CEDevice] ProcessorType = 2577 VersionMin = 3.0 VersionMax = 100.0 BuildMax = -536870912; Support square screen and screen rotation [SourceDisksNames] 1 = ,"Autre",,\ [SourceDisksFiles] "TomTom Navigator.exe" = 1 data.chk = 1 "ttn6bt2003.dll" = 1 BtCoreIf.dll = 1 "BtSdkCE30.dll" = 1 TTToday.dll = 1 0CESetup.dll = 1 [DefaultInstall] CESetupDLL = 0CESetup.dll ; (0CESetup.999) CEShortcuts = RaccourcisCourts CopyFiles = CopierVersDir00,CopierVersDir02,CopierVersDir03 [CopierVersDir00] ; (%CE1%\Navigator : \Program Files\Navigator) "TomTom Navigator.exe",,,0x40000001 data.chk,,,0x40000001 which turns in to Code:
REGEDIT4 [\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\AppInstall\TomTom Navigator] Role=24 Uninstall=\Windows\AppMgr\TomTom Navigator\0E08.tmp [\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\AppInstall\TomTom Navigator\ExecutableFiles] \Program Files\Navigator\TomTom Navigator.exe [\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Apps\Shared] \Windows\BtCoreIf.dll=1 \Windows\BtSdkCE30.dll=1 [\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Apps\TomTom Navigator] Instl=1 [\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Today\Items\"TomTom"] DLL=\TomTom\TTToday.dll Enabled=1 Options=0 Selectability=1 Type=4 Failed to create reg key \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Apps\Shared!!! InitRegistry FAILED in file ".\Registry\0ef52186-be24-11db-8314-0800200c9a66.rgu" within a few lines of line 4. ImportFromPackageListStrict: (RGUComp) !ERROR failed importing ".\Registry\0ef52186-be24-11db-8314-0800200c9a66.rgu" wmain: (RGUComp) !ERROR failed building DEFAULT hives |
Try clicking the xml button, then in the new window the registry tab - that gets you some of the buried reg entries as well.
But if the app really wants to be in \Program Files\Navigator to work (ie, you put it in rom and then copy it there on cold boot) there isn't any real reason to do it. It still takes up the same amount of storage space. All you save is one click to install the cab. |
You don't really need any reg entry for TomTom. I did the OEM for it without any reg entry and it's working fine. Unless you want the today plugin then there isn't really a need for it.
Just wanted to mention this is something i've seen in some of the OEM packages:
[HKLM\Software\GENERICAPP\KEY] "some.dll"="data" being changed to [HKLM\Software\GENERICAPP\KEY] "\windows\some.dll"="data" Even if you double \\ to make it pass the rgucomp requirements, it's like a completely different value with essentially some arbitrary name the application won't know what to do with. I'm pretty certain that the only times the paths are relevant or should be altered is on the right hand side of the =. If you take the hives created, pass it back through rgucomp and then try to rebuild, you're going to get errors. |
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