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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2008, 03:46 AM
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Complaints About Apache. RANT Here.

ok so here i will start this rant. its annoying as heck.

check this i have an Alltel version of this phone i flashed to cricket thats besides the point.

my problems include some wich no one has even tried to answer. when i try to flash it i often have to run the updater 30+times for it to just take once. yes i'm not a n00b either.

next same with radio. try to upgrade it and try 40+ times and yes i mean real times. wich take sometimes hours.

i'd like to know why it hates heres some specs.

ppc 6700 alltel
bootloader 1.00
OS vista.

and no don't blame vista my XP machine does it too.
i dunno if its just the phone or what its been a real in in my a** tho.
another annoying thing. stupid a** bootloader mode getting stuck all the time.

anyone here can rant/post questions and answer questions i'd love to see what ppl have to say there will be NO bashing of ppl or there comments tho. thanks
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2008, 08:32 AM
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Re: Complaints About Apache. RANT Here.

So eventually it actually works??? I would expect some sort of hardware failure - USB port/cable or memory.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2008, 08:37 AM
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Re: Complaints About Apache. RANT Here.

The thing I hate most is that you can never tell what character mode you are in. ABC, abc, 123, or !@#. I see how ever they have taken care of this on the 6800 with LEDs that tell you what mode you are in.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-15-2008, 09:53 PM
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Re: Complaints About Apache. RANT Here.

I hate the speaker quality and the lack of RAM... and the thickness.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-16-2008, 04:06 PM
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Re: Complaints About Apache. RANT Here.

On Ut Starcoms website it says the update is NOT Vista compatable. And are you using XP with SP 2?

(Sprint, Verizon, T-Mobile and At&T SUCK!) Alltel RULES!!!!!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2008, 09:50 AM
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Re: Complaints About Apache. RANT Here.

Originally Posted by eh-ef-kay View Post
i have an Alltel version of this phone i flashed to cricket thats besides the point.

my problems include some wich no one has even tried to answer. when i try to flash it i often have to run the updater 30+times for it to just take once. yes i'm not a n00b either.

next same with radio. try to upgrade it and try 40+ times and yes i mean real times. wich take sometimes hours.
No one tried to answer likely because not too may people out here are on Cricket and those that are likely just dont have the same issue so they cannot really contribute. However, did you ever have any flashing issues when it was setup for an Alltel network (assuming you used it on thier network at some point). Anything that is modded or or re-programmed in a different way MAY had some side affects. We all have seen this with our 6700s because we (most of us) have went in and done heavy modding (I know I have)

Originally Posted by ran-o-matic View Post
So eventually it actually works??? I would expect some sort of hardware failure - USB port/cable or memory.
My first assumption is what mods and hacks and tweaks have been done to this phone from its OEM standard that may be causing these issues. Has the device ever been put back to original and flashed back to Cricket and so forth. Things like that are time consuming but usually are a tell-all type diagnostical answer.

Originally Posted by BigDASH View Post
The thing I hate most is that you can never tell what character mode you are in. ABC, abc, 123, or !@#. I see how ever they have taken care of this on the 6800 with LEDs that tell you what mode you are in.
With doing about 2k txt a month I think I got over this a long time ago.... Seriously though, I can see where this has been a issue but if you are using your stylus on the OSD keyboard then you have to touch the "123", "Shift", or "Ctl" key to get to the different key layouts. Even with the physical keyboard itself we all know what buttons we have to push in what combinations to get what we want even if our minds go faster than our fingers and thus we make mistakes. To have status LEDs on the device like that of a PC keyboard or even some sort of status change on the LED like that of using MS Word on a PC would be nice.

Originally Posted by Slwitek View Post
I hate the speaker quality and the lack of RAM... and the thickness.
Ah, but remember you are speaking of a device that is now 3 yrs old and 3 yrs ago it was the best thing out there. Sure, now (as always in the future) things are getting more compact and (I.E. thinner and smaller) but again, year ago when this first came out it was the hottest thing around. The RAM it comes with the considered enormous back then. This is why newer devices are being designed and released with more RAM, just as new PCs are coming standard with 2-3Gb of RAM. Its just evolution.

Originally Posted by Psxmoe View Post
On Ut Starcoms website it says the update is NOT Vista compatable. And are you using XP with SP 2?
I can verify that even though it may not be SUPPORTED with Vista, that it is compatable (although it can be very buggy for some people). I have Vista Ultimate and can work with it but I usually try to use my XP as much as possible. Vista is nice for 'seeing' a new OS as in new GUIs and eye-candy but as an OS, I really dislike it.

Overall, you dont see too many complaining about the 6700 because it is by far one of the best/better devices out there that can be hacked and modified and 3rd party apps added without major issues. It can be overclocked which many cannot. It comes with a very stable and flexable OS that is widely accepted and apps built for. My phone has many hours of hacks and tweaks and apps installed and setup. There are many customization from ring/txt tones to animated GIFs. I have all the apps I want or need. Ive played with the Cube and Flo. I have different browers and layouts I can use.

However, if there is ONE thing I can complain about it would be the damned camera. My ex-wifes VZW 8500 (AKA Chocolate) takes better/faster pics and so does my GFs ATT&T Razor. How do you build and sell a phone as nice and as expensive as this and add such a shoddy damn camera? Its pathetic. I have an iPhone (yes I love my 6700 more because it can DO MORE) and its camera is freaking amazing even with moving pics.

And you all thought I was going to go through this entire thing on positive notes huh........shame on you for assuming.
Loving my rooted Droid X
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2008, 01:57 PM
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Re: Complaints About Apache. RANT Here.

On UTstarcoms website you have to select your Carrier be you download it. My guess is you should Hard reset before you try the update. If and when it does work its going to say customizing soft reset before it finishes. Besides why are you using a crappy service provider? Stick with Alltel!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2008, 03:03 PM
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Re: Complaints About Apache. RANT Here.

Originally Posted by Psxmoe View Post
Besides why are you using a crappy service provider? Stick with Alltel!
To each thier own, I have has Sprint and they always worked for me, thier calls handling times in their centers sucked major balls but the cell srvc was fine. I have VZW now and they have a bit better coverage in my area and are faster about getting a live person if needed. But I learned a LONG time ago that calling either Sprint or VZW about a PDA/PPC was useless. All they have ever been able to tell me is how to press talk and end on it.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2008, 03:23 AM
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Cool Re: Complaints About Apache. RANT Here.

I have tried everyone.... And for me Alltel was the best and will BE the BEST. So go ahead and spend all your money on Sprint, but dont come complain to me when your phone suffers from No service syndrom! lol
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2008, 07:13 AM
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Re: Complaints About Apache. RANT Here.

Originally Posted by Psxmoe View Post
I have tried everyone.... And for me Alltel was the best and will BE the BEST. So go ahead and spend all your money on Sprint, but dont come complain to me when your phone suffers from No service syndrom! lol
Bro, Im really glad you are so Pro-Alltel (and Im sure theyre happy that youre happy) but be realistic to the fact that you simply live in an area that has better coverage and possibly better strategically placed towers to provide that coverage. Its all about how many towers you have, where they are located, EMI and EFI, weather conditions, broadcast and repeater radius, possible structual blocked or interference, ECT

Most carriers use the same equipment, same phones, same basic services, just charge different accordingly.
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