3.3 and phone
i ran the colonels 3.3 version and a couple of other versions for the last few weeks. i've been having a major problem with the phone dropping calls since the update. so yesterday i changed back to verizons rom and now the phone works fine. i live in mi. bordering on canada. the dropping occurs in the fringe areas where the canadian signal out powers the us signal. when i'm inland and the us signal is a decent strength the 3.3 rom works fine. between yesterday and today i have changed between aku2 and 3.3 versions 4 times and each time the results were the same aku2 signal strength was fine, no drops, no flipping to roam and i could receive incoming calls in the fringe area. as soon as i changed to 3.3 the phone would flip back and forth from roam to home signal. i could neither make nor receive calls. i also tried a couple of the other version 3 roms with the same results.
any thoughts or help with this would be appreciated