I did the AKU 3.3 two days ago. After the upgrade and reg edit:
Originally Posted by naigaboy
BTW to enble 802.11g on PPC,
new value (dword): dot11SupportedRateMaskG
decimal: 8
the cab from xda might not work, cos the registry it changes does not correspond to the apache.
I was able to connect and use my home network's wifi which is a D-Link G router. Everything was working fine until this morning and I could not connect. I deleted the connection and tried to re-establish a new one again. I get the same thing. I just tries to connect and won't do it anymore. Am I S.O.L now?

I understand that the PPC isn't suppose to be 802.11g compatible. I was just wondering if there was anyone had a workaround or solution?