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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2007, 02:21 PM
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Get Helmi_C's AKU3.3 RIGHT HERE!

Well no thanks to me, Helmi_C over @ xda-developers whipped us up a nice working, very speedy, new AKU upgrade! Ive been playing with it for a little bit and love the speed, but its gonna need those menu animations disabled. But anyways push seems to be ALOT quicker and a few new features that you will like. Of course I will be doing a custom soon for it of watch for that. Oh btw when running my custom ExtROM with this, I have had it hang twice when running ppst.exe and had to soft reset to fix, but I will be updating that also. You will have to manually edit the config.txt to remove the run ppst.exe line and manually run after it installs whats needed. I cant thank Helmi_C enough for his time and dedication to getting this working on our devices! Specially since he doesnt own one.

Note: This is a stock ROM non hacked....just adapted to the Apache by Helmi_C and is FULLY funtional.

If your stuck in bootloader mode read here.

Please report ALL errors here.

Internet connection program missing

Enable smartdialer: HKLM\Security\Phone\Skin
change enabled from 0 to 1 (Colonel)

pic & vid hang fix: copy mfc80u.dll and msvcr80.dll from windows/oem to the windows directory overwriting the ones there. (Sonny486)

What I/Users have noticed:

On program installs you have memory remaing back.
Faster Push
Inbox tools more one-handed operation
Contacts a few new features.
Welcome screen does time and email. (on email it doesnt allow setup due to it running extrom)
No storage card issues at all!
1x icon no longer shows when connected, its displayed above ur signal indicator.
Connections panel has a few more options.
New CommManager
Running programs shortcut on start menu
A2DP Built In.
IE user agent string.
No longer DUN its PAN.
*Will add more as I/Users notice them*

Side Note: Be in bootloader when flashing and it has a Telecom bootscreen. (which can be changes see this thread.) Also it says its 3.5
which was a minor mixup, you can change that by [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\Versions]
"Aku"=".3.5.0" change to "Aku"=".3.3.0"

Now to the link!

PS looks like Helmi_C joined us so you can thank him directly in this thread if you like!
Please read this before posting.

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